"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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December 03, 2022

Books I Read in November 2022

I didn't do a lot of reading in November because I was again stressed out by work but mostly I just wasn't in the mood for reading or much of anything. Cold weather always make me not want to do things that are too active. Maybe I'm like bears, sleep through winter and then become active again when the weather gets warmer. Anyway, here are the books I read in November.

Cat Among the Pigeons (A Hercule Poirot Mystery, 1959) by Agatha Christie
01 - Cat Among the Pigeons (A Hercule Poirot Mystery, 1959) by Agatha Christie > link
This started out a little bland and you can't even begin to think where Poirot would show up or if at all. As these books aren't about the detective, one really shouldn't expect too much appearances from the detective but having the detective showing up at the end like he's a side character of sorts wasn't that great an idea. The mystery was okay but seemed a bit slow somehow.

Peril at End House (A Hercule Poirot Mystery, 1932) by Agatha Christie
02 - Peril at End House (A Hercule Poirot Mystery, 1932) by Agatha Christie
I read this same storyline in another Hercule Poirot book (though I can't remmeber which) where Poirot tried to prevent a murder but he didn't succeed and then he solved the murder. I suppose if I haven't been reading Hercule Poirot books I might find this more enjoyable to read.

Dead Man's Folly (A Hercule Poirot Mystery, 1956) by Agatha Christie
03 - Dead Man's Folly (A Hercule Poirot Mystery, 1956) by Agatha Christie
This was okay though I find the solution a bit farfetched but there were clues given that said otherwise but it was a bit harder to believe though at first but as with most mysteries, you don't really understand the whole of the story until you got to the solution.

The Big Four (A Hercule Poirot Mystery, 1927) by Agatha Christie
04 - The Big Four (A Hercule Poirot Mystery, 1927) by Agatha Christie
Poirot seemed more like a cop here. I really like this one it did see rather repetitious. [Spoiler: We get to know Poirot has a scar on his upper lips. For a few moments I did believe Poirot had a twin brother but then then I didn't. Though I really did like the idea. End Spoiler].

Dead Wrong (Agatha's Amish B&B Book 1) by Vannetta Chapman
05 - Dead Wrong (Agatha's Amish B&B Book 1) by Vannetta Chapman > link
The not using electricity and electronics like phones and computers would definitely make me not want to be Amish but here, the Amish character (the main character Agatha) uses just about anything as long as the Bishop approves - it really seems being Amish here is not really a big deal, perhaps a little meaningless at times but nevertheless, this was a decent read but perhaps it needs a little more editing.

Did you read any good books in November? How's your December going?


  1. Have you now read all of Agatha Christie's books? And you're starting in on the Amish?

    1. Debra She Who Seeks: No, I haven't read all the Christie books yet but I did finish all of the Miss Marple books and almost of the Poirot novels aside from the short stories. I'll be taking a break from her books after one more book.

      I just found that Amish book and thought it was good idea to try it but I don't know if I'll read more in the series or other Amish books unless they interest me.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Does the Agatha in your last book have any link to Agatha Christie? Well done on your reading - and a happy December to you. Hopefully with a lot less stress.

    1. Elephant's Child: No, the character is named Agatha, nothing to do with Christie. Thanks for your good wishes.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Replies
    1. Christine: Thanks. Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. I would love to hibernate the winter away lol. I like the title Cat Among the Pigeons but I haven't read that or very many Christie's.

    1. Greg: I think we should all hibernate in winter. Cat Among the Pigeons does sound intriguing.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Cat Among the Pigeons is a bit unusual...As for Dead Man's Folly, I wonder if you like Ariadne Oliver? I enjoy her quite a lot.

    Sending you well wishes for a less stressful working month!

    1. Roberta R: I do like Mrs. Oliver. She kind a fun character but probably a bit fanatic, neurotic. I quite enjoy her character as well. I think she's like Poirot but a little less picky about things.

      Thanks for your well wishes. And thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. Just popped over from Greg's blog! I haven't read that many Agatha Christie books, but I've liked the ones I've read. A mystery I read recently and liked was August Snow by Stephen Mack Jones.

    1. Laurie C: I haven't heard of August Snow but I'll check it out.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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- Kurt Vonnegut