"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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November 15, 2022

What the heck reading moments

Top Ten Tuesday
This week's Top Ten Tuesday is Favorite “Aww” Moments In Books (those sweet/cute moments in books that give you warm fuzzies) but I'm going to list something that is slightly the opposite — what the heck moments. Some of these things are really preferences as a reader and nothing more. For more Top Ten Tuesday, visit That Artsy Reader Girl here.

01 - When you realized you're reading a really bad book but you continue to read it anyway because for some strange reason, you thought it might still get better — I've done this a lot because if you're 50% in, it seem a shame to not finish it. Though it rarely gets better.

02 - When the character you thought was the most interesting one in the entire book gets kill off — I have read a couple of books where the one character that I thought was the most interesting of all the characters but then they get killed leaving behind the boring characters to carry on the story. Of course if you start with a boring character, I suppose one should expect that boring character not to die but they didn't get less boring so...

03 - When you're reading a final book in a series and the moment you thought was going to end the series didn't come — I think it's ridiculous to continue a series when it was clearly written (at least to me) that that series was meant to end right there in that book. It annoys me more when the reason for the delay is something utterly stupid or simply a delay or when they just repeat what had happened previously just so the characters are back where they started.

04 - When the truth of something that is so damm important to a character should be coming out but it didn't — So we live in an age of people wanting instant gratification but book readers would still plow through a 1,000 pages to get to the good stuff, it definitely would cause a lot of annoyance if they delay something that we are promised.

05 - When you're reading a murder mystery and they finally reveal the reason behind the murder and it turns out to be something lame — Let's just say disappointment is not the quite the word for that feeling. Maybe the incredulous reason is just too incredulous that I rather not know why they did it.

06 - When you read a 1,000 page book and nothing happened — So maybe things do happen but they are not important or significant enough unless you think such things as a character making coffee and drinking it as important, than sure, things happen. I think some of the books I read really didn't need to be so long. You can tell some things are fluff or fillers just to make a book or even a book series longer.

07 - When a villain that is supposed to be dead comes back not dead — Maybe this would be a welcome thing when it's the good guy but somehow when it is a villain, it's not at all good and fuzzy, it's more like: What the hell? Wasn't he killed? Who resurrected the jackass?

08 - When you read a book and you thought you understood what you read but then realized you didn't understand anything at all — A reader interprets books so maybe what makes sense to others will not make sense to me and verse versa but I just think some books simply do not make sense to me at least.

09 - When you read a book that you thought was a standalone but it turned out it was part of a series — I'm not saying I get that annoyed by this but if a book is part of a series and there are no indication anywhere, one just would get annoy if they don't get a complete story unless they read five or six more books.

10 - When you read the last page of a book series and realized it was the worst book to end a series — I love/hate book series mostly because of this. I read a lot of great first or second, middle books but the last book always seems to suffer from something. It's hard to end a series but sometimes I think authors or publishers just don't seem to be trying all that hard.

What dumb or incredulous moment have you had in your reading experience?


  1. Replies
    1. Debra She Who Seeks: I'm glad you agreed with me.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Sigh. Cliff hangers and woeful editing are my particular banes.

    1. Elephant's Child: Cliff hangers are why I sometimes don't like book series. Woeful editing - that seem to happen now more often as there are so many more self publishing books now.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. #1- so true. Books that are too long too- check. And yes- endings can be rough.

    1. Greg: So many people finish a book thinking it will get better. I dislike book series where reviewers often say, it gets better in book 2, no, I think if it takes two books to get better, book1 might need a rewrite.

      Endings are tough but maybe it's why there are filler books because the author didn't know how to end their series?

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. Replies
    1. Christine: I do meant it to be a bit funny.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Such a great twist on this topic, I agree with all of your list. One and Five are ones that get me every time.

    1. Kel James: I'm glad you agree with my list. I guess you read a lot of murder mystery? I have read a lot of them and I guess I'm a bit hard to please when it comes to reasons for murders.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day

  6. I like your examples, but would like to add two.

    When I read a book, praised by lots of people, friends and critics alike, and the plot is trite and the characters flat and the ending a big let-down - and I wonder what I did not understand.

    When I read a book clearly set into a long ago time age, eg. middle ages and in the end, some guy in a spaceship / tank / modern contraption shows up and saves the day.

    1. PS. Of yours I find #9 to be the most bothering. I only seldom read forewords or blurbs, so this happens frequently to me. Please put a number on the book, preferably luminous letters with the number in the series ;) I still remember thinking that The Waterless Sea was easy to read, but curiously hard to follow for being a childrens' book - until I discovered that it was the middle book in a trilogy.

    2. Charlotte: I'm with you on the books people seems to love but I didn't. I guess we all have different taste but sometimes people do like trashy books or books not written well, there must a reason though I don't understand it.

      Guy in a spaceship/tank/modern contraption - time travel, is that it? I sort dislike time travel to save the hero or whatever, it's not my idea of a good ending.

      There are some books that are supposedly can be read as a standalone so sometimes they don't bother to say it's a series but then again, there are books that may have been written as a standalone but then it was changed to a series without anyone knowing. It's maddening to read books out of order in a series.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. Hi Lissa, You have lots of good complaints! Publishers should really consider your well thought out and expressed list. Lovely evening and beyond to you.

    1. Tammie Lee: I think my complaints are like other people.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  8. I totally agree with you on so many of these points! I hate when a favorite character gets killed off; it makes me very angry at the author. And when the last book in a series ends of sucking, and kind of ruining the whole series, I hate that, too. (Like Mockingjay!)

    1. Lark: I think these days, it's more likely characters getting killed off, at least to me. It's worst in tv shows. Like if an actor wants out of the show, they just kill the character off instead of sending them away or some other nice ending.

      I haven't read Mockingjay (I have checked out the ending on the web) but it does seems a bit odd.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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