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December 07, 2021

Reading free ebooks & (mostly) not regret it

Top Ten Tuesday
This week's Top Ten Tuesday is a Freebie so I thought I share some thoughts about the free ebooks I had read. I think I'm engined to flock to free stuff so maybe it's why I like reading free ebooks. There are tons of free ebooks but the genre I like to read the most is paranormal cozy murder mysteries although there is no such category on amazon, they only have the cozy option. The books I'm referring to on this list are paranormal cozy murder mysteries and a few fantasies.
    It's pretty easy to look for free ebooks at amazon since amazon allows you to sort books by price from low to high but of course, you still have to go through various menu clicks. (I should mention I mostly read kindle ebooks because I have a kindle but you do not need a kindle to read kindle books, you can use their app on your phone, tablet or computer.) (And yes, I can read all the free ebooks from the public library but this is not about that.)

Some of the things I learned & thoughts I had while reading free ebooks:

01 | They are usually the first book in a series and are under 300 pages or less — These free ebooks are usually part of a series sometimes with 10 or more books. I guess it's nice to read a long series but when you think how short the books are, it's really like reading short stories. Now some of these are novellas but they never actually say they are novellas but some of these are just under 200 pages per book. I actually do like short books in a series because I find it easier to digest and I have the attention span of a five-year-old on occasions.

02 | They are oddly priced — The pricing of ebooks are ridiculous because it keeps going up and down for no reason (but I can say the same thing for paper books). Now for these free ebooks, they are usually priced at 4.99 (US dollars) or under as the regular price. The free price is sometimes for a limited time so other times, it's 99 cents which I supposed is almost free.
    I think it's a great idea to offer the first book in a series free. Since it was free, I was willing to take the chance on them otherwise I honestly would not have purchased any of these books. I did end up purchasing a couple of the sequels for whatever series I had read for free.

03 | Sometimes they come in a collection — Some of these ebooks are packaged with the first 3 or 5 books in a series. Sometimes you even see them at 99 cents for these collections for a limited time. Heck, sometimes you can get the first 3 books as a set for free. There's also instances where the first books of an author's various series are packaged in a collection which sometimes goes on sale for 99 cents or occasionally for free.
     I honestly do not know if any of these promotional packages or these free ebooks does anything to the sales number. If a reader pays nothing for a book, does the book's ranking changes or do they even count as part of a sale?

04 | They have grammar and spelling errors — I have accepted that books can have an error or two but simple errors somehow stands out so much in these ebooks that I'm thinking, perhaps it hasn't gotten enough proof reading. I may have tried to edit while I was reading some of these books. I even read an author's bio that needed editing which is a bit surprising because usually an author's bio rarely have mistakes.

04 | They have really good titles — I really like all the puns and the funny titles that are used. Even if the book does not really live up to the title, at least the title is fun and creative.

05 | They sometimes uses the same art or photo for the cover — Some of them even use the exact art or photo with the same models that are slightly altered. Does nobody notice these things or nobody cares? I guess it's harder to have original cover art if you're on a budget. It's possible to mistake one book for another as I have seen a few books that I thought I had read but it turned out, it was a different book by a different author - I can't say if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Examples of covers using the same art/photo

06 | They are most likely self-published — I think most of them are self-published because of the amateur covers and also because if you check out the credits, it's most likely put out from some unknown company or the copyright is in the author's name only. But I can never tell for sure. I don't mind self-published books because they are sometimes almost as good as those published by big companies.

07 | They are most likely unavailable at your public library — Mostly I think because they are self-published. I don't know if that's the reason but I've never seen any of these titles available at my public library.

08 | They are mostly written by women — Not to say there aren't any paranormal cozy murder mysteries written by men, it's just that, I don't seem to come across them as much. It's not a big deal but it's something I have noticed. I think I have read only one of these ebooks with a male author.

09 | Verdict: They are fun, quick reads. Some of these are rather amateurish because the writing isn't all that great but most of the time, I find I enjoy the story even when the writing is so-so. I complain about them but I think they are good reads even if I maybe sometimes forgot I had read them.

10 | Here are three places I look for free or discounted ebooks:
Free Booksy
Amazon Kindle Best Sellers Top 100 Free

How about you? Are you into reading ebooks (free or otherwise)?

For more Top Ten Tuesdays, visit That Artsy Reader Girl here.


  1. Thanks for these observations.

    1. Christine: Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Nope, I'm not into e-books, I raid the library for reading matter on a regular basis ;) But I liked your post on free e-books nonetheless.

    1. Charlotte: I used to go to the library and browse but now I find it's not as fun as before but I'm you enjoy the library.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Fun post! I don't read e-books, but I'm seriously considering purchasing an e-reader in 2022.

    1. Lark: If you do get an e-reader, post about your experience. I'm curious how it would go.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. I'm picky about the cozies I read, so poorly edited, self-published titles don't hold a lot of appeal for me. I don't mind a paranormal-ish cozy if the writing is decent and the plot isn't too far out there.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan: I guess not everyone can get pass the errors so I can understand not wanting to read such books but not all self-published books are poorly edited, some of them are really well edited.

      Paranormal is usually a bit far out there but there are some that are only slightly paranormal-ish.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. I do read free e-books but I collect WAY more than I read. If I have been reading on my Kindle for a while then I really start to miss a physical book. At the end of the day I really prefer a paperback. Good post and I agree with your observations. https://cindysbookcorner.blogspot.com/2021/12/top-ten-tuesday-free-little-library.html

    1. Cindy: Like you, I also kind of collected a lot of ebooks but didn't get around to reading them. It's fun to get free books even in electronic format. For some reason, I don't miss reading paper books much.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. I feel like paranormal cozies are something I'd like to read more of. I didn't realize these series (some of them) were so lengthy even if they are shorter...

    That's kinda funny an author's bio had errors. :)

    I try not to be a book snob when it comes to self published.

    1. Greg: They even have long novella series which makes no sense, like, why can they just write a whole book?

      That author's bio was the one and only that had a mistake in it. I didn't read any others with errors.

      I try not to be a book snob either because there are some great self published books out there.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. Nice top Ten! I like free ebooks sometimes, and I've found a few authors this way. I have read a couple of paranormal cozy mysteries, and I like them!

    1. WendyW: I also found some great authors through free ebooks.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  8. "I even read an author's bio that needed editing"
    😮 It bodes well 😂.

    That's funny about the covers - then again, maybe they're books by indie/small pub authors who can't pay for an exclusive design/picture.

    1. Roberta: That was only one author bio but I suppose it's a bit sad though I can't seem to remember the author's name.

      With self published, book cover arts can be expensive and I suppose it's why there are so many covers with similar designs and artworks.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  9. Interesting topic! I haven't read any free self-published e-books.

    1. Lectrice Vorace: I don't know if you're missing out or not. You might even have read a self-published ebook and not know it. Sometimes it's to tell.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  10. Freebooksy is first on my list, mainly because I also feature my ebooks there on a regular basis. A promo coming up tomorrow actually.😏

    I hope you are doing ok Lissa! Such crazy times now. Stay well and Happy 22.😊

    1. Geraldine: I think I did saw one of your books on Freebooksy the other day. I think it was a romance book.

      It's nice to hear from you again. I hope you have a happy 2022.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  11. Yes, I'm always reading a new book on my Kindle. I can't understand the prices either. Sometimes a book can cost 99 cents (as you mentioned) and then suddenly one can cost $10 ... very strange and I never understand why.

    1. Sandra: It seems ebooks go on sale all the time. Sometimes for promotions and other times, I have no clue. It's why I never buy ebooks so soon after they are released, I wait awhile to see if they go on sale.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  12. I used to snap up every freebie but then I didn't read a lot of them or they were getting so bad (in quality) that even free wasn't worth it. I really like them though for trying a new author or when it's the first in a series so you can give it a try.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. Karen: I sort of slow down on my downloading free ebooks but it still is a nice way to try new authors.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.


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