"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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December 18, 2021

Kindly read these at your earliest convenience

mermaid with headphones
'plug in'

I thought I post these random bits that I wrote and never posted. These probably should have stayed as drafts but I thought since I wrote them, why not post them even if nobody will read them? Whether these opinions are valid or not, I'm not sure as I had a different mind set when I wrote these. I might regret posting these tomorrow but for today, not so much. (The artwork above have nothing to do with anything. I had just redo this piece and want to share it.)

01 | [Does this make sense? I don't know when I wrote this] You want to be an optupus rather than an optimist because they have 8 legs and optimist only have 2 so more chances for success.

02 | [I don't know when I wrote this] I was never naked — I was born with clothes on.

03 | [June 28, 2021] I sometimes like to visit some of my favorite bloggers (who doesn't blog anymore) at their social media sites but it seems you have to sign in to see even a tiny corner of the page but I don't have any social media accounts anymore. Maybe this is good. I can stop wasting time on all social media and all websites that needs an account to view. There are a lot of those. I especially thought Instagram shouldn't be like that since the site is for sharing. It's okay if a user make their site private so only the ones they allow can view it but when it only allows user of that platform access, then I have to wonder what's the point.
    I guess it makes sense, business-wise, they want as many users to sign up as possible although forced exclusivity is kind of dumb and it make me feel like an outsider but probably because I am a outsider since I choose not to join the social media madness. I pretend to be okay with this because I have no choice unless I sign up which I won't. And I still think all those social media have such silly names, signing up does not make me feel special, just a little annoyed I'm being bossed around by silly-named platforms.

04 | [September 2021] I seem to be talking to myself out loud instead of using my inner voice. Have I gone nuts? There's no verdict on that. My inner voice told me to shut up and stop thinking about it.

05 | [September 2021] The one good thing I can say about this year is that when I go outside, I didn't get chased by dogs while the owners watched.

06 | [October 13, 2021]
It could have been last week or month when they announced the new superman (superman's son) is bisexual which I thought was such an old and silly idea and which I also kept thinking, he will be more occupied trying to figure who to date then saving people. They said they didn't want another white man superhero so why not make him bi-racial instead? I think I would prefer a bi-racial superhero who might be a more accurate portrait of people now. Not to say bisexuality is not accurate, only that, it just seems a rather dull topic to me. But I no longer bother with superheroes or any of my favorite icons because they keep destroying the original creations that any kind of argument is moot.

07 | [November 2021] I was searching for mousepads (stupid me for wanting to try something new other than colorful patterns and flowers) on Etsy and then I set the filter to 'Top Customer Reviews' and there were a lot of mouse pads full of butts, breasts, half naked women, and even male private parts. Sure they weren't overly detailed but do people really like having these images on their mouse pads? Artists/sellers have a right to sell products with such images but I really, really prefer not to see them when I'm shopping or at any time. Why online stores (especially those with artwork-based products) allow explicit images is beyond me. But if they choose to allow people to sell such products, shouldn't they have an option or a filter for those who do not want to see them?
    Then there was the other time I searched for calendars at Etsy (because again, I want to try something new other than flowers) and there was not one but two calendars with photos of dogs pooping, then there was actual poop photos and cat buttholes as in cat's behind calendars and no, I didn't check them out. I ask you, who is the audience for these calendars? But I guess there is no filter for taste? And of course, there were also naked women and men calendars since no filters to remove such search results.
    It happened on amazon as well. I was searching for a movie dvd and what do I get? Naked pictures of women for movies for a certain audience. I don't get why there's no options to filter out these explicit stuff but these are from third-party sellers and usually the images came from the sellers so amazon probably have no control over them. Still, one little filter is easy enough but nope, nobody seems to care.
    These are the reasons why I don't shop online much. Unless you're very specific, you'll see these explicit images when searching whether you like it or not. Or am I the only one who get these search results?

08 | [Apparently I wrote some letters to idiots but calling them idito because...I don't know. No idea when I wrote these nor when each event happened but definitely not last or this year).

Dear Idito,

Thank you for letting your dog do your business while I ate my lunch at the park. So maybe you didn't see me there at first, but as you stood there waiting for your dog to finish his business, maybe you can see there's someone nearby. But I guess you didn't see me or perhaps you choose to ignore the existent of people in general. Whatever the case, you've ruined the one and only time that I ever ate lunch at the park.
    — The person who is unlikely to sit at a park and enjoy anything

Dear Idito,

Thank you for telling me your dog doesn't bite. Sure he have teeth and was barking madly at me but he doesn't bite, you assured me that with a smile. Of course your dog wouldn't bite but that's probably because he hasn't bitten you personally. The dog attracted some ladies and you and your dog and the ladies stood in the lotion isle talking about what, I didn't care to listen, for a while. So I went about looking through other isles but when I returned you were still there with your dog and then I left and returned a third time and you were still there. How long does it take to pick up some stuff and leave the isle? Can't you tell some people don't like dogs or some dogs simply do not get along with people? Perhaps I should have said something but I was being polite and also, I didn't want to get near your dog.
    — The person who had been bitten by dogs more friendly than yours

Dear Idito,

Thank you for scaring me on the streets just because I glanced at you once. It's a nice wake up call to remind me to avoid people like you.
    — Stranger who wants to stay a stranger

Dear Idito,
I have forgotten the incident but I was reminded again today. I understand you're a protective mother but to just accused someone of pushing your baby is absurd. So perhaps I should not have sat next to your baby and perhaps I should have avoided sitting altogether.    
    If anyone had ridden any New York subway train, they all knew they often had sudden jolts and stops that caused even grown man to fall so your baby's safety was cause for alarm because he was sitting without any type of protection, not your arm or anything at all. If the train should make a sudden stop, he would fall over and break his face but you're more interested in accusing me of doing something I didn't. I simply moved slightly to make room for someone else to sit and no, I didn't push your baby. If I didn't think there was room, I wouldn't even move.
    I hope you're happy because I wasn't. I protested, I cried (actual tears which I try not to shed), I left the train on the next stop and then I cursed you out. If being nice means being insulted, then I guess I will stop being nice. And also, sitting next to babies - I have and will continue to avoid sitting next to babies, children and pretty much all small creatures of all types.
    — Subway rider who avoids babies and children

Dear Idito,

Thank you for yelling in my face for taking your photo but I assured you I didn't take your photo. All my photos are of landscape and the sky, no people unless they accidentally got into my camera view which was what you did but still, I didn't take your photo. I don't take photos of people unless their backs are turned or they are tiniest dots among the landscape.
    I tried to explain I had no photos of you but you didn't care to listen. I don't remember if you ask to see my camera and look through the photos but when I uploaded that day's images onto my computer and edited them, there were no photos of disgruntled old ladies I can see unless you have turned into a tree or a bench or a bush or is invisible on camera. And even if I did take your photo, be assured I would edit you out of it or delete that photo because you would have ruined my photos.
    — Unhappy photographer who likes to photograph things that are not people

Dear Idito,
I'm sure you had enjoyed watching me being chased by your dog judging by the look on your face. I'm sure it didn't matter to you what happens to me - bitten or fallen down or whatever. But your dog followed me and that's a problem and not because I was being chased by your dog but that she followed me across the street where cars were going by. I barely escaped a car which meant your dog did too. At the time, I was trying to escape so I didn't care what happens to your dog but how about you? Forget that you had not put a leash on her when letting her out on the street, forget that you allowed your dog to chase me, but don't just stand there and do nothing while your dog runs freely and might likely get run over by a car or is that a hobby for you?
    I had forgotten how mad I was but I can't forget how easy it is for you, a dog owner, to stand there as your dog crossed the street while cars were going by. I don't care that you don't care about your neighbors but as a dog owner, you should care a little about your pet.
    — Person who wish never to be chased by dogs even small, tiny ones

09 | [Don't know when I wrote this but some of these are just guessing because I don't read romance with smut but I read book reviews] Judge romance books by their covers:
Shirtless man = romance with detailed smut
Half-dressed woman with a shirtless man = romance with detailed smut
Man/woman standing in front of darkness or some dark scenery = paranormal romance with some smut, sometimes detailed and sometimes not
Cute couple illustration = romance with detailed smut
Large title using flirty or cursive text = romance with smut but probably without much details if it's a YA romance

10 | [November 2021. This was going to be for the story 'Trudy Fine's Very Short Journey Through Space'] I didn't want to look up what someone would look like without their eyeballs, so I didn't. The things I research for a story gets a bit weird these days but this one, I really didn't want to know.

Is there any posts you have written but decided you just don't want to post but still kind of want to share?


  1. Love these views into your crowded head. And no, I don't have any written but never posted things. Sometimes I think I should.

    1. Elephant's Child: It's always crowded in my head so I guess it's why I have so many drafts written.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Oh, this looks a lot like my archives over non-posted blog post and ideas ;) Naked parst in the shops, crazy dotgs non-binary superheroes ... I have it and more. Some of what I did not publish ends up with this line: "I'm sorry your baby died, but that midwife was the only atheist of South American origin who applied for the position. True, he's not very good, but in these times you have to adjust."

    1. Charlotte: That is amusing about the atheist. Some things I guess are better not read by others.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  3. It is good to share your thoughts, thanks for this also nice art.

    1. Christine: I'm always up for sharing. I really do love this art piece.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  4. #09 You are so right about romance covers! You have some very interesting thoughts.

    1. WendyW: Thank you.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  5. #3- I'm not super crazy about having to sign up just to see a few people or bloggers I want to follow.

    "poop" "who is the audience" lol I AGREE.

    Fun although some of your idito letters if those things happened I am sorry to hear that! Especially dogs chasing and having to deal with inconsiderate types...

    1. Greg: Those things in my idito letters are all true. I think me and dogs are never going to get along so I avoid them but apparently they don't want to avoid me.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  6. "signing up does not make me feel special, just a little annoyed I'm being bossed around by silly-named platforms."
    "My inner voice told me to shut up and stop thinking about it."
    I do talk to myself at times, so I suppose my inner voice and yours have the same mind...

    Every kind of representation is a good thing...then again, I'm sort of bummed that Doctor Who became a woman...so I understand wishing that the characters one has known for their whole life wouldn't change. Then again, that's not Superman, it's his son.

    "there was not one but two calendars with photos of dogs pooping, then there was actual poop photos and cat buttholes as in cat's behind calendars and no, I didn't check them out."
    I...have no words. I didn't know such stuff existed. And of course there should be filters! I don't think it's hard to set up some.

    "The person who had been bitten by dogs more friendly than yours"
    That was funny...but not so funny for you, I suppose. And the whole baby incident? Unbelievable. And what with all these dogs chasing you? and these dog's owners not caring a bit, not even about the dogs themselves?

    1. Roberta: Maybe my inner voice and your inner voice can have a conversation.

      I was also surprised by Doctor Who being a woman but as I'm not all invested in that show, it doesn't bother me. As for Superman, even though he's the son, he's representing Superman which makes him Superman but whatever, I no longer care.

      I guess I shouldn't be surprised what interest people, even cat buttholes have audiences. But yes, some type of filter would make sense.

      As I said above to Greg, me and dogs just don't get along. I guess they sense my fear so they naturally want to bite me? I don't know, I just try to avoid them when possible.

      And you just don't know what can offend people or what they see when they don't actually want to see. I don't know.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  7. I forgot to mention...lovely art! I particularly enjoyed the hair forming a treble cleft and the seashell used as an ipod.

    1. Roberta: This is one my earlier pieces when I actually enjoyed drawing. I don't know about these days.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  8. Nice art! And I loved reading all your thoughts. I have drafts of reviews saved in a few different places that have just been sitting there for who knows how long. I really need to get them all together and post them sometime.

    1. Ashley Sapp: There must be some reason you haven't posted those reviews. For me, I save drafts hoping to post later but I never do.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut