"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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January 12, 2025

Seven Things: There may be ramblings

01 - I changed my blog's header but I doubt anyone noticed. I would always notice if someone change something on their blog but that's an occupational hazard. Anyway, I just like a change, like a redesign or maybe a re-adjustment of what I have been using. I think if you are to redesign something such as a blog header, you should either use the same elements or do something completely different. I prefer to use the same elements so even if people don't notice the change, they are reminded what's unchanged and the unchanged usually helps to familiarize you even if you don't know it or so I believe. So here's the old and the new for you to compare.



02 - Every time I updated Firefox, there is some new feature to remove or hide or some feature is suddenly too apparent or suddenly unable to disable for reasons I can never understand. Updates are for improving not to add things to annoy people but maybe they are trying to improve but maybe for people other than me or why else I hate everything they keep updating?

03 - Apple products are always more expensive than most brands so I have always thought they are worth the expense but now I don't know.
Not with their mouse products. I don't like the supposedly latest Apple magic mouse so I never upgraded. Its shape is wrong and you can't use it while it's charging. I know apple is trying to get people not use the mouse while charging by putting the charging port in the most uncomfortable of all places but let's be honest, most people would be using it connected by the wire to their computer if possible. We can't all go wireless just because Apple says we can.
    I must admit Apple products are well made as attested by my over ten-year-old computer mouse (Apple Mighty Mouse Wired). I dropped it and it broke apart, I put it back together and it still works though I had to keep the thin round back piece off as it hinders movement but the mouse still works. Now if only Apple would remake that particular mouse and start reselling them again, that would be great.
    I want to get a wireless computer mouse too because I got sick of buying adapters to get it to work whenever I get a new computer. Wireless mouse all use AA or AAA rechargeable batteries which seems like backward technology to me. I prefer a wired mouse so I don't have to worry about charging it. So I'm waiting until someone makes a mouse that has better energy source or heck, even a wired mouse that can be connected to a computer without worrying about whether it is usb this or thunderbolt that or needing an adapter or two. I think the problem with going wireless is that you don't actually go wireless because you have to charge that wireless gadget using wires.

04 - I seemed to have reverted a post and then deleted the post content and then forgot what the post was about but it had two comments which I can't even remember referring to what. It's odd and yet, it bothers me that I don't remember what the post is about. But I deleted the post just so I wouldn't have to look at it. I rarely revert posts but when I do, I try not to think about them so now I'll delete any post I reverted just so I don't have to worry about them.

05 - It's so easy to type in 2025 but somehow when I have to write that down on paper with a pen, I seem to forget. In a way, new year is just a number because nothing have changed. I'm still doing the same-old thing so why do we make a deal about the new year when the newness simply fades away after a few days? But it is a new year so I should be grateful I can complain about it even if I don't feel particularly new. I do still remember being pissed off when I was woken a little after midnight on new year's day by fireworks so maybe the newness hasn't wore off yet. (My neighbors are generous and probably criminals as they set off fireworks even on days without holidays or maybe they are celebrating something I don't know but darn it, they seem to have excess of fireworks but don't tell the cops.)

06 - I hate clothes shopping now. It's a task I find both aggravating and time consuming. It took me a while to find a pair of pajamas pants because for some reason, whenever I go shopping for them, they don't seem to exist, that is, no store seems to be carrying them - summer, winter, any season. I admit I'm a creature of habit so I shop at the same few places with the occasion of some new place here and there. So many places I used to shop are now closed. So many places that used to be pleasant are now crowded or offering types of clothes I just don't want to wear. I don't go into stores that are like museums - half empty and full of security guards at the front entrance. Also, if I go inside and the music is so loud I can't hear myself think, I would leave. And those people-less cashier sometimes intimates me a little bit. Without a human at the cashier, I don't feel quite like a person or maybe it's just a feeling also, knowing a lot of people are out of jobs because of that is a bit concerning. But at least people are hired to take care of these machines, right? Let's pretend things even out even if they don't.
    I used to enjoy trying out clothes even if I suffer though tiny fitting rooms, lockless rooms, tiny seats because store owners thinks every customer have a tiny tush, dirty floors, etc. because I thought it's worth it if I find clothes I like. I have a way of spilling food on my clothes and I don't get invited to anywhere fancy so there is no reason to spend a lot of money on clothes and besides that, however careful you are, clothes get wore out. Like I said, I'm a habitual creature so I've been wearing the same type of clothes for most of my life. I have no style. I have no particular look. Clothes are just for comfort and so I wouldn't be naked. So why is shopping for clothes so hard?

07 - I know it's a bit early but somehow I made Blogging From A-Z Challenge April 2025 badges. I don't know the theme for the A-Z group blog for this year but for me, I decide the theme, for the badge anyway, is beginning or spring so hopefully, this badge sort of convey those two things. I think of plants as always growing so they are always beginning and so are sunrise and sunsets hence the sun. And spring is basically anything green to me. I could make dozens of versions but I don't have any theme ideas that I like. I actually think the badge should be theme-less but maybe it's better with a theme. I think I'll go with version 2 as it looks a bit more spare. (If you're planning on participating, feel free to use these badges.) (More about the challenge here.)
not official badge - version 1
not official badge - version 2
not official badge - winner badge
Also, I made a winner's badge because why not. And no, I haven't decided if I want to participant in the challenge this year. I'm still thinking...

What's on your mind these days?


  1. Replies
    1. Christine: Thanks & hank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I'm not a fan of clothes shopping either. Never have been. And I despise self-checkout machines. I refuse to use them. If there's no live check-out person offered, I simply go elsewhere to shop.

    1. Debra: I don't know we can avoid these self-checkout machines indefinitely. We might be forced to use them later on. But I do prefer to have a real person to check out.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Add me to those who loathe shopping for clothes. I don't buy them on line and MUCH prefer dealing with people. As an aside did you know there are now grocery stores with no check out staff or machines. It adds things up and bills your phone. Shudder.
    I do like your new header - but you should add writing to the words.

    1. Elephant's Child: No check out staff or machines? I'm don't much like using my phone for paying. Actually, I have no idea how that would work since I've never used my phone for such task.

      Scribbling is consider writing, right?

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. Oh thanks for those badges! I always love yours and find them som much better than the official ones - and no, i't'll not help any if you revert this post! I have already downloaded the badges ;)

    1. I haven't decided if I want to participate either, and I have seen no communication from the A-Z crew as of yet.

    2. Charlotte: I'm glad you like them. Use them as you like.

      It's still a bit early for the A-Z folks to update the blog but I'm sure there are already a few people finishing writing their 2025 posts. I wish I can don that. I don't know even know if it's worth doing anymore. But I'm still thinking...

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. I love the new header, postcard-like, though the writing is hardly readable (I understand it's due to your wanting it to look like a postage mark, which, as I said, is neat).

    "I do still remember being pissed off when I was woken a little after midnight on new year's day by fireworks so maybe the newness hasn't wore off yet. (My neighbors are generous and probably criminals as they set off fireworks even on days without holidays or maybe they are celebrating something I don't know but darn it, they seem to have excess of fireworks but don't tell the cops.)"
    That sounds distressing. This year, someone very near to my house has blown up stuff until a quarter to one...I was livid.

    "I admit I'm a creature of habit so I shop at the same few places with the occasion of some new place here and there. So many places I used to shop are now closed."
    Same here. At least we don't have self-checkout machines yet...except for a couple of malls (and they have only one each).

    I love the badges, but are they supposed to be slightly oval? I mean, I've always seen round badges, but I guess you did it on purpose?

    1. Roberta: I did make the tag line (reading...) a bit faded but maybe I should make them darker/more readable?

      "...blown up stuff" sounds dangerous especially if they are closed by like where I am houses are connected though a single wall so... neighbors, can't yell at them, can't chase them out of the neighborhood...

      Self-check machines aren't in every store here but who knows. It's embarrassing when you don't know how to use the machines, not a good experience to have.

      The badges are round (a circle that is equal all sides) as far as I can see on my screen. I have never heard of this happening aside from certain gadgets would alter squeeze images base on the screen size. Who knows. I know they are not oval, at least, I hope they are not.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. I really like your new header! and I hate clothes shopping, too. Mostly because so many of my favorite clothing stores no longer exist, and I'm not sure where to even go to shop for things anymore.

    1. Lark: I've noticed many clothing and various stores closing and it's sad but what can we do? I guess this is why online shopping is more popular now.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. How much your post expresses me on several topics!
    I'm so sick of shopping for clothes!! I really liked your new header.
    I find the products and applications of apl incredibly expensive.
    At first I was excited about the iPad, but along the way...
    I really liked the badges you created!!
    Thank you very much Lisa!

    1. Katerina: I like to make several points at once.

      Techology is becoming expensive. I like the idea of the iPad but somehow I'm not sure now.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut