"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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September 16, 2024

How do you decide which book to read first?

I am now only reading ebooks borrowed from my public library. I don't plan on purchasing any ebooks from here on unless I'm so desperate to read a book that I don't want to wait on the library or it's not available at the library.
    As I can only have 5 holds at a time, I find I have to be really choosy when it comes to which book to put on hold first. The wait time varies as it depends on how long each reader keeps a book but a reader can keep a book for 21 days but can extend the time after that. Basically, the more holds on a book, the longer the wait time. Sometimes I'm #102 on a wait list and other times I'm #2 so it can be a surprise which book is available first.
    I always have a problem deciding which books to read because the books I want to read aren't always what I want to read. For some reason, I sometimes loose interest in a book so I would cancel the hold or return it. Sometimes I end up with books just to test them and see if I'll like them. Also, I'm a moody reader. Most of the time I have six or less books on loan so if I'm bored with a book, I will start on a new one. (I can only borrow 10 ebooks at a time.) In general, which book I read first half depends on the library's availability and the other half depends on my mood.

How about you? How do you decide which book to read first?


  1. Mood. And to some extent what book I read last will often dictate what I feel like next.

    1. Elephant's Child: Sometimes what I read last also dictate what I'll read next.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I know what you mean about being a moody reader; I'm like that, too. Sometimes I pick my next book by which one I think will make a good blog post. Sometimes it's what has to go back to the library first. But usually it's what I'm in the mood to read next. :D

    1. Lark: Sometimes you just want to read certain type of book. Some books does make a good blog posts.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. I mostly read paranormal romance so I just have to decide which monster I'm in the mood to read about. lol

    1. Mary Kirkland: I don't read much paranormal romances but usually the monster is a wolf or something a bit tame. I guess you prefer a more variety of monsters.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. I'm not a moody reader at all. I mostly read ARCs these days, so I try to approach them in publication order, but when I have time to read/reread a purchased one, I start with the one that I'm more excited about...

    1. Roberta: That's not a bad way to decide what to read next. I also sometimes read the books that are closer to the return day.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. It's a tough one. I usually read about five books at any given time and try to have not more than three in one language, so that makes it a little easier.

    1. Marianne: I only read in English, sometimes British English but probably doesn't count as a second language. Haha.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. Thanks, Lissa. You, too.
      As to your British English remark: Depends where the Brit in question is coming from. LOL


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- Kurt Vonnegut