"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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August 11, 2024

The Blogger Freakout Tag - My Answers

The Blogger Freakout Tag
The original post with the questions are here.

01 - When you first started your blog, did you freak out and worry you might fail?
Yes, all the time but I just carry on because what else are you to do?

02 - If you share something (on your blog) and then regret it, do you revert (to draft)/delete/remove that post or just leave it? Or do you just freak out, calm down and then pretend it never happened?
I sometimes just revert that regrettable post but most of the time, I just pretend to ignore it but really, I re-read it a couple of times just to decide or re-decide whether to revert it to draft. But mostly, I just leave them because people make mistakes and naturally it's easier to ignore than to point it out but it still depends on what it is I had posted.

03 - Have you ever been freaked out or offended by a reader's comment or a blogger's post?
Kind of. There was one blog I visited where I left a, probably too honest, comment about not really wanting to comment but did it because it was part of a challenge's mandatory task and I may had remarked with some tepid/neutral compliment or something similar (I don't remember the exact words) about that post's content and that person replied with a rude reply. I don't understand why they were offended. I was offended they were offended. Should I apologize for not being able to fake enthusiasm for what they posted? Instead of replying to that rude comment, I just pretended to ignored their reply and buried my ill-feelings toward that blogger. I think if you don't want an honest opinion, don't ask for them.

04 - Do you freak out/get annoy when a blogger leaves short comments that are generic or devoid of any relation to the post? (ie, nice blog or good post)
Yes but sometimes no if they use creative wording or leave a smiley face.

05 - If you cannot access your blog (ie, because of web glitches or wi-fi not working), do you freak out and try to fix it somehow or do you just wait patiently until the problem solves itself?
If I was in the middle of working on a post in the Blogger editor, I would try to find out why it was suddenly not working and try for a fix. If I wasn't in the middle of anything, I would wait it out. Besides, what could you possibility do anyway if it's your wi-fi or if it's on their site (ie, google's blogger)?

06 - Does it bothers you when a blogger changes their blog's direction/starts behaving like a new-to-you blog with nothing like the posts you are used to seeing?
Not if they are posting something I like. Bloggers are free to change their blog however they like. As readers, we should accept their change but we don't have to stick around if we don't want to.

07 - Does getting comments (on your blog) makes you giddy?
Absolutely, though I am not one to jump up and down even when something exciting happens. I am the sit-there-looking-mildly-interested sort of person even if I get struck by lightning - that may be a bad example. But I do enjoy getting comments on what I posted even if I get one comment because it means someone actually read it, not just me.

08 - Was there a time you had freaked out when you made a mistake on your post, ie, got some information wrong or said something that you really shouldn't?
Yes, for a lot of posts but I can't remember because I usually correct my posts if there are mistakes or I would add some update info to amend the mistake.

09 - When bloggers overshare (on their blogs), do you get annoyed or happy that they are willing to share even the most intimate of things?
It depends on what they are sharing. In this modern age, everyone overshares so you kind of have to decide what to ignore and what not to. But I would appreciate it if no one post photos of their wounds or other people's wounds or anything that shows injured body parts. Thank you very much.

10 - Do you sometimes freak out (in a good way) when you get new readers?
Yes but like I said on questions #7, I don't always show my joy so openly. But it is nice to get new readers. I do try to return a visit and leave a comment and to see if I want to be their new reader - this is one way I find new blogs besides through other blogger's blogrolls.


  1. Good Q and A -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

    1. Christine: I think so too. Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. This looks interesting. I might have to do it myself soon.
    I totally understand your position on #3. If someone asks for an honest opinion, they should be able to take it. I often hear from other bloggers that they didn't like a book I love or the other way around. Has happened in my book clubs, as well. That's life, we can't all like the same things.

    1. Marianne: You're right, we can't all like the same things. But maybe I could've been a little less honest? Who knows. I can never understand what offends people and what doesn't. Everyone's different.

      Thank you for coming by my blog. Have a lovely day.

    2. If you ask for an honest opinion, you should be able to take it. I rather have an honest opinion I don't like than a lie.

  3. I understand wanting to be honest, but I also can see where that blogger was coming from (though of course I don't know what you said to her or she to you).

    "sometimes no if they use creative wording"
    It never happened to me! Now I'm a little envious LOL (kidding).

    "But I would appreciate it if no one post photos of their wounds or other people's wounds or anything that shows injured body parts. Thank you very much."
    And here I was thinking of posting pics of my husband's ulcer...
    ...HAHA HA NO. Don't worry, I would never. You actually inspired me to add a short line to my own freakout tag post with that remark (it's coming on the blog in 3 days).

    1. Roberta R.: I guess maybe I shouldn't have been so honest. Maybe I could have omit a few things. But after you pressed publish, you can't change it. I don't even see my comment showing up until after it was approved. Perhaps I shouldn't bother going back and checking for replies.

      Only on rare occasion do I get short creative comments, I usually do not.

      I've seen a couple of those wounds and I really don't like them. It's perfectly fine it was covered up or bandaged up. I think only doctors likes them or maybe not.

      Thank you for coming by my blog. Have a lovely day.

  4. I used to be too honest and I think that might have made some people mad. I'm still honest but I tend to try to be more thoughtful in the way I word things so I don't get people mad at me. I love new blogger friends too. Always nice to meet new people.

    1. Mary Kirkland: I, too, learned to be a tiny bit more careful with what I said. It's hard to know what might set people off. Nice to meet you Mary.

      Thank you for coming by my blog. Have a lovely day

  5. Interesting list of questions! I don't freak out much about my blog, or have anything like that happening in the comments- people offending each other- mostly because my blog is not popular! so there is not usually anything controversial going on. Or being said. The only time I freaked out about something (and it still bothers me to this day) is when another blogger I had followed for quite a while suddenly disappeared. I just could not access their blog anymore. And I enjoyed reading it. I waited a week or so for the problem to resolves- maybe they had an issue with their blogging platform or something- but it was still inaccessible so then I asked other bloggers and nobody else had trouble landing on her page. So then I figured she might have blocked me? but I have no idea WHY.

    1. Jeane: What happend to you sounds frustrating. I had a few bloggers who turned their blog private so I can't view their blogs. I also don't understand it either. It's sad but what can you do?

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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- Kurt Vonnegut