"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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August 16, 2022

Types of readers I might be

top ten tuesday

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is Books I Love That Were Written Over Ten Years Ago but I decided not to use it. Usually, I do not know when a book is published nor do I care to find out unless it's something I need to know and most of the time, I don't. So I'm listing types of reader I might be. Oftentimes, I can and will change my mind about a book and maybe these all sound a bit similar but it seems to describe me, for today anyway. For more Top Ten Tuesday, visit That Artsy Reader Girl here.

01 - Random Reader
— I read anything as long as it's a book or so I think sometimes. Generally, I do not have any specific reasons for reading a book. Sometimes I do not read the synopsis or reviews or know anything about a book before I start reading other than I find the covering interesting or I am able to get my hands on it, ie, a library loan or a low-price book or a free book.

02 - Specific Genre Reader — When I said genre, I really meant, a variety of similar books which can be a certain genre or just a bunch of books with similar themes or even exact storylines but written differently. So I sometimes would read similar books in a short period of time. (Most of time I don't know what genre a book is placed under anyway.)

03 - Sudden Interest Reader — Even if I heard about a book for a hundred times and never had any desire to read it for those hundred times, that would suddenly change for silly reasons like a good book cover or something just click in my head and I had to read that book. So I would call these 'sudden interest' because I don't know if I even have a good reason for wanting to read a book.

04 - Review Reader — Often I read a tons of reviews before deciding to read a book and they do influence me. I think the ones that compare a book to another book is the most influential. It's why I think people should stop comparing books to other books because it's never like those books and also because, there are books that I can't stand and if you mention a book is like this or that book that I can't stand, I am most likely not to read them.

05 - Non-Horror Reader — I don't read horror as I'm a scaredy cat and I wouldn't get any sleep if I did but I'm okay with spooky or slightly creepy books. But sometimes it's not so much as something is scary but more like I get grossed out so easily and most horror features a lot of grossed out things that I simply cannot stomach.

06 - Persuasive Reader — So it's not necessary reviews that make me read a book or not but things such as movie adaptation, a blog post (not a review) gushing about a book, someone mentioning the book having relations with something, etc. I'm not saying I'm easily influence but some people and things can be very persuasive and maybe my state of mind sometimes can be an influence as well.

07 - Re-Read Reader — I like to re-read my favorite books now and then. There is a joy in knowing how the story ends or reliving some moments that just appeals to me. I guess we are generally nostalgic about things so re-reading is nostalgic. When I don't like what I'm currently reading, I would re-read some of my favorites.

08-10 - Moody Reader I listed this from 8 through 10 because this defines my reading habits for most days. Being moody means I never know what I might want to read. I think it's easier to enjoy reading if you don't make goals like what books to read at what specific times or finishing a book on a specific day, whatever suits you at whatever moment is what you read, that's what I do most of the time. (I might also call this Picky Reader since I can be very picky when I'm in a bad mood.)

What type of reader are you? Or perhaps you don't need specific terms to describe what type of reader you are?


  1. I’d never thought to categorize readers in such a way before. Very interesting!

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-books-i-love-that-were-written-over-ten-years-ago/

    1. Lydia: I like to catgorize things for no reason.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I don't like the horror genre either, whether in books, movies or TV shows. Although I'm not the voracious reader I once was, my favourite kinds of books these days are novels and memoirs.

    1. Debra She Who Seeks: Novels, yes, memoirs, I only read a few and some of them depresses me.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Interesting idea! I read according to my mood (what I want to read, whenever I want to read). I like participating in challenges, but I'm not very strict about them and I complete them at my own pace.

    Thanks for reading my Top Ten Tuesday list this week!

    1. Lectrice Vorace: I have not participated in any reading challenge even though they do sort of help you select books to read, they seem also kind of unnecessary.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. I think I'm all of these kinds of readers on different days. :)

    1. Lark: That's true for me too but sometimes I'm all this in the same day.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Replies
    1. Christine: I don't understand why people like to be scared, I really don't.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. I can totally decide to read a book out of the blue too, or a cover will do it. Good point on reviews- comparing to other books can be make or break. And it might not even be accurate lol! Same with spooky reads- I like a little background tension or suspense or eeriness but not hard core horror.

    I'm totally a mood reader.

    1. Greg: Sounds like we're the same kind of reader and yet, I don't seem to read any of the books you read except maybe now and then.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. I am a greedy reader. I refuse to be restricted by genre or target age group - though I don't read a lot of horror or hard-edged science fiction. So many books, so little time

    1. Elephant's Child: I like to be like you except I'm too picky.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  8. Ha ha. I think I've been every single one of these readers at certain points. It's interesting how that can change from year to year and day to day, isn't it?

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan: I think we all changes our mind often so we could end up reading books we don't think we'll ever read.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day

  9. What a great post! I was definitely a rereader for a long time but now I would say I don't reread so much and tend to stick to a couple genres, so probably specific genre reader!

    1. Zoë: I don't do a lot of reread either since I don't have that many books.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  10. Brilliant idea for a change of topic. I will have to remember that.

    I would say I am a reader who is open to most topics and genres but I have my preferences and those that I wouldn't pick very often. I will have to go into myself and have a big think. Maybe I'll come up with a list one day and have my own TTT about it.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT this week.

    1. Marianne: That's the best kind of reader - someone who is willing to read anything but being a little choosy isn't bad.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. Exploring books that are out of my comfort zone has always proven very good, even if I didn't like the book chosen. Thanks, you have a lovely day, as well.

  11. I think I'm the re-read reader. :) And maybe the Persuasive reader as well.

    1. Quinley: I believe anyone can be persuaded to read a certain book but I guess it depends on the person.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  12. I'm a Specific Genre Reader, Review Reader and Re-Read Reader. Not moody at all, and I can't be persuaded to read a book if the blurb/genre doesn't appeal to me.

    1. Roberta: I guess you're stronger than me. If someone try hard enough, I might just read a book I would never read.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  13. Such a fun twist on this week’s TTT! I’m often The Sudden Interest reader, but mostly with regards to nonfiction. If I learn about a topic, I need to know more about it!

    1. Sara: If I'm interested in learning something, I too, might go find a book on it.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  14. I'm generally a specific genre reader: I usually read mostly fantasy and historical with just a smattering of books outside of those genres, but I'm also a very moody reader, so I'll read whatever I'm in the mood for at the time.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2022/08/16/top-ten-tuesday-381/

    1. iloveheartlandX: I read a lot of fantasies but not much historical fiction. I think fantasies offer a lot more choices than historical fiction.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. I can't comment on your blog as I don't have wordpress, twitter or facebook. I read your post though. Black Beauty & Matilda are two of my favorite books from your list.

      Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a lovely day.


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- Kurt Vonnegut