"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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August 23, 2022

Possible matters to overthink

computer with books, coffee cup
Excuse the madness, I may have been a little overwhelmed or didn't get enough sleep. I wouldn't say these are very opinionated opinions but I guess they are.

01 - Wordpress only? I decided I won't open a wordpress account just to post comments on wordpress blogs that only allow wordpress users & social media (twitter and facebook). So perhaps that's a bad idea and perhaps I'm being bias. But if a wordpress blogger only wants wordpress (and social media) users to comment on their blog, aren't they being biased against readers like me who does not use wordpress or social media?
    So yes, it's pretty easy to open a wordpress account and signing in is not a complicated task but why should I have to sign up/sign in to leave comments on any blogs? I think it would be nice if everyone just uses the name/blog link (url) option but Blogger probably won't switch to that so I'll never have that option but wordpress users have that option right? I'm not a wordpress user but I would assume they have the option to allow all kind of readers to leave comments and not just wordpress & social media users.

02 - Nobody uses Blogger? — There is a blogger who said in a post, 'nobody really uses Blogger as a blogging platform anymore' and that new bloggers would go straight to free Wordpress. (This person uses Wordpress). This makes me kind of sad and a little angry (okay, more angry than sad) because I'm using Blogger and I don't think that's true. How does this person know if new bloggers would go to Wordpress and not to Blogger? How does person know if people are not using Blogger? Where did they get their information from?
    So yes, people can have their opinions but this didn't sound like an opinion, this sounds like they are stating a fact. And by saying that, they are telling people to use Wordpress, right? I mean, if I'm a new blogger and see this comment, I would think I should use Wordpress instead of Blogger. So I'm bias so you can't trust me if I recommend Blogger to you instead of Wordpress. But trust me when I say people are using Blogger even if no one believes it.

What do you think? Should bloggers pick their readers? Are people using Blogger? Does any of these things matter?


  1. As you know I do use blogger. I also have a WP account to leave comments on WP blogs. And that is all I use it for. Mind you, at the moment blogger is making so hard to leave comments I despair.
    I am a classic overthinker. As soon as I read in meditation practices 'make your mind go blank' I know that I am doomed to failure.

    1. Elephant's Child: Yes, Blogger can be a bit challenging at times. I think it's easy to overthink just about anything.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. These days all the cool kids are on TikTok anyway.

    1. Debra She Who Seeks: Yes, it's true, everyone's over at TikTok but then again, sooner or later, someone will create another social media thing and we will all flock over there.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Oh, wow. So nobody uses Blogger. Maybe that person meant nobody who opens a new blog uses Blogger (which I'm sure it's NOT true, but alas, I'm also sure they are in the minority these days)? And why would that happen, exactly? Maybe because, as you said, comments like that are designed to scare everyone from using Blogger?

    I hate that kind of comments (especially when they're throw around as facts) because I find them snobbish. WP has nothing on Blogger...unless you sign up for the non-free version (which not everyone can and/or is willing to do), and even then...there's this myth that WP looks "more professional" than Blogger, except your blog can look any way you want it to, regardless of the platform you build it on. It's called customisation for a reason. Also, professional...is that a requirement now? especially when you blog for fun, even if you do get a number of advanced review copies from the publishers like some of us do? ARCs aren't given or refused based on the way your blog looks - they look at your stats, at least those who bother (indie/small pubs usually don't, and personally, I've gotten a few ARCs from medium-to-big publishers regardless of the cartoonish look of my blog or my small follower count...).

    1. Roberta: I don't know. I think people shouldn't say things as if it's a fact and not an opinion but it does seems like most new bloggers would not go to Blogger. I even read another post about why new bloggers should not use Blogger.

      "there's this myth that WP looks "more professional" than Blogger" - In some way, any blog can look more professional than others because like you say customization makes a difference. For me, I would always customize my blogs because I like things to look a certain way. Not everyone have the skills or the time to customize their blogs so they use whatever is there.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. I am certainly using Blogger, tough to consider changing it has been so long.

    1. Christine: I think you have been using Blogger as long as I have so yes, it's a bit hard to think about changing to something else.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. I'm still using Blogger! And I let anyone comment on my blog, including Wordpress users.

    1. Lark: I'm with you. Let everyone comment regardless of what platforms they use.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. That's so weird that someone would think that no one uses blogger (or in the very least spread false information since they stated it at as a fact) I've been using blogger since 2016 and have not changed it since. I created a Wordpress account to comment on blogs but also to figure out how to make it work. I made essentially a test site on it, try to try it out stuff on it. But I found that blogger is much easier to use in comparison, also because they don't make you pay to use HTML/Javascript so, I haven't done any actual blogging on Wordpress, ever. And plus not everyone has the money or want to pay for the premium version of Wordpress like Roberta said.

    As for commenting, I imagine they do that because of/to prevent spam. But I agree it is annoying. It also annoys me a bit when bloggers close comments on older posts after a certain number of days, I know they did it for similar reasons-- regarding spam. But, It just makes me annoyed because then I can't comment on their post.

    1. Quinley: Maybe I'm making this a bigger deal than it is - it really is like an innocent comment but perhaps it might have been better written.

      I have tried Wordpress and yes, you do have to pay to edit you template which I thought it's a bit strange. So I do find Blogger is much easier to use in terms of HTML/template.

      I have noticed Wordpress users seems to get more spam for some reason but it also seems to me their spam filter is pretty good as one wordpress user said at one time about how many spams that had been filtered through their blog.

      I also find it strange to close comments on older posts. It makes no sense since they can moderate comments on those posts, right? But it does seems true that the more popular a post is, the more likely there is spam comments.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. 01 - Wordpress only? I've had so much trouble using WP that I ragequit, not once, but twice. No way I'm evern making a WP account ever again. If people do not want Blogger-users to comment, they'll just have to live without my comments, same a Quora-only blogs.
    02 - Nobody uses Blogger? Yes also new users begin on Blogger, I canb see this in the help-forum for Blogger.
    And yes it matters because we need something to choose from. not having a choice leads invariably to bad AND expensive products.

    I allow all comments on my blog (Blogger) But I have old posts up for moderation since I was hit with in excess of 600 spamposts a day for weeks and had to manually deletet all of them - until I found that moderate option. Now I just leave comments to that post alone, and set all un-spammers free within a very short time. Sorry Quinley, I won't ever go through that hell again.

    1. PS: sorry for typos, I forgot to run a spellcheck :(

    2. Charlotte: 1 - I think the same thing. I don't care to comment if they want a certain type of users.

      2 - I think Blogger is good for new users because it can help them decide without spending money.

      Old post comment moderation is a good idea and I also would do that too but I hardly get any spam but if I do later on, I'll just turn it on.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  8. I have a Wordpress account but only because back in the day I was like-will I switch to Wordpress at some point? All these years later I still haven't. :)

    There's still quite a few people on Blogger! I agree. It has its issues but lately I've been hearing some discontent with WP too, and I'm just staying w/ Blogger cause I've been there a while and why not?

    1. Greg: I have a smiliar thought but I doubt I'll every switch to Wordpress.

      Every platform has its ups and downs but I'll stick with Blogger, like you, I don't see any reason to switch after so long using it.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  9. Me, me! I still use Blogger- at least for my garden blog. It's been up since 2008. My book blog used to be on Blogger too but it started to have issues I couldn't deal with I switched that one to WP only because my husband could custom build it for me- so it looks just like my old Blogger book blog. I find it just as easy to use, though honestly there's lots of funcitons I don't need on there.

    1. Jeane: I wish I have a husband to custom build my blog for me.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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- Kurt Vonnegut