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May 24, 2022

Just a Few Complaints

“A good conversation always involves a certain amount of complaining. I like to bond over mutual hatreds and petty grievances.” ― Lisa Kleypas, Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor
My small complaints probably won't make any dents anywhere but it's just nice to say them even in a blog. Please note, I use google's Blogger which I had been using and complaining about for years because they like to make users angry and annoy for no reason, so here are my list of grievances in no particular order. (I'm sorry to say I do not know how to complain in a short manner.)

01 - Comment moderation is useless — More bloggers who uses Blogger are moderating their comments which I can understand but I have turned off comment moderations completely because I do not get notices when a comment is in moderation. I get email notices of comments but even if they are in moderation or are marked as spam, I wouldn't know without checking.
    I'm not saying this has caused me huge problems but it's a huge annoyance. In my old blog, there were comments that are under moderation for almost a year before I notice it because I didn't get any notice on them. And in this new blog, there were comments that were marked as spam or under moderation for a week or two before I notice it. If I didn't sign into Blogger's dashboard to check the comments, I wouldn't have noticed them for a long while. I don't want readers to think I'm ignoring their comments but it seems I did that without my knowing.
    I rather have the comments posted and then check to see if they are spam, than to always have to check the dashboard for comments that may or may not have been marked as spam or may or may not be in comment moderation. (I guess I should mention I do not get a lot of spam or comments which might make my complaints invalid.)

02 - A new spam filter that seems to just sit there — Why can't this new (not sure if it's new but it's new to me) reCAPTCHA feature work behind the scene instead of announcing itself like its doing us, bloggers, a favor? Yes, it's free but we're the ones advertising it unwillingly. reCAPTCHA is supposed to 'protect your site from spam and abuse' according to their website here. Honestly, I'm not sure it's doing anything at all.  

03 - Previewing comments was useful so why did they take it away? — You can no longer preview your comments (which was one of Blogger's nice features). I like this preview feature because I like to check for spelling errors or words I had omitted but often I make links in the comment and I want to check if they work because sometimes I mess up the code and with people moderating their comments, I can't check and I'm too lazy to check later since I don't know when the comment will be posted. (Not to say I can't check my comments without a preview (as often there is no preview if I'm commenting on other platforms) but seeing the preview just seems easier for some odd reason.)

screen of pencil tool
04 - It was easier to get to a post before so why is that option removed? (insert a bitter glare here) — Another change, from the front end of the blog, you can no longer click on anything to get to it which was fine but the feature that really irks me not to have now is the pencil link for each post. This feature allows you to get to a post from the front end just by clicking on the pencil image without having to go to the dashboard, search for the post and then click on the post to get to it. It was really convenient for me to make corrections on older posts because I don't have to search for a post. So yes, it's only a few steps to get to a post but it was a really useful tool.

screen shot of comment choices
05 - Commenting is hard and too exclusive — Blogger has 3 options for readers to comment: (1) Sign into Google, (2) Anonymous and (3) Name/URL and #2 & 3 does work but it's a pain to use because of the various tests/captcha you have to go through to get a single comment through.
    When you are not signed into Google or Blogger, there is this notice in the comment area: "Comment with your Google Account if you’d like to be able to manage your comments in the future. If you comment anonymously, you won’t be able to edit or delete your comment..." - I must say, there is no way to edit your comment after you posted it other than deleting it and adding a new one - that's not a feature worth signing up for. Sure it's nice to have an identity (ie, an icon, a profile page) but not all of us want to sign up just to comment.
    It would be nice if Blogger adopts the way Wordpress does comments by using the Name/URL/Email option. Just spaces for people to leave their name, blog link and email and that's it, no signing in or no signing up nor any tests readers have to go through to leave a comment. I don't know much about Wordpress' various commenting options but often, I rarely have any issues with the Name/URL/Email option.
    I have notice some people who uses Wordpress also have a Blogger account to make comments on Blogger blogs. I guess it would be fair for me to get a Wordpress account to do the same for those Wordpress blogs that only allows comments if you're signed into Wordpress (and other options like Twitter or Facebook which I don't use).
    But at the same time, I'm wondering why anyone should have to sign in or sign up for any service just to leave a comment. It's silly to make such exclusivity since we're making it difficult for readers to comment. There are still people who have no blogs and even people who wants to remain anonymous, to those people, all this signing in, signing out, signing up, makes it nearly impossible to comment.

If you're a blogger, do you moderate your comments? Do you think you should moderate your comments? What do you think of the comment systems of most blogs?


  1. Agreed. I find it intensely irritating to have to check my spam folder quite so often at the moment. Very, very few of the comments there are spam. And I have no idea what basis blogger has for making the spam decision...

    1. Elephant's Child: These comments being marked as spam for no reason is just weird. It's like the spam filter just decide to randomly mark a comment as spam because it doesn't know what to do.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I agree! :) I had to turn comment moderation on, because I was getting mean and inflammatory comments. But I have to agree with you, it's easy to forget, which is why I always feel the need to check constantly whether someone posted a comment or not. Though, I do get the text box notification for when someone posts it does not always show up. I wish blogger made it easier to tell when someone commented.

    1. Quinley: If you have comment moderation on, you usually get an email notice when someone comments and then there is an option in the email to approve the comment or not but I haven't been getting those notices so I turned moderation off. It used to work well but perhaps since they are now using reCAPTCHA, something is off.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Commenting has been awful

    1. Christine: Yes, Blogger has been sporadic in spam filtering/moderation. I just check and your comment has been marked as spam which I have changed it just then.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. This. I just saw a comment today in my dashboard that was flagged as spam and I never would have seen it if I hadn't specifically gone into my Comments tab on the dashboard. Gah.

    I hate this whole reCAPTCHA thing.

    I agree about Blogger/ Wordpress commenting. I'm always signed into Google so I don't usually have trouble but I know lots of people do, and I do like how easy WP commenting is.

    I didn't think I was moderating comments but that spam comment makes me wonder. I better go look...

    1. Greg: I also just check my comment and saw one that was marked as spam. I don't know what's going on but Blogger seems to be having a fit.

      Wordpress commenting is easier, that's the thing I envy the most of Wordpress users.

      Comments get marked as spam has nothing to do with moderation, I don't think. Most Blogger users are having their comments being marked as spam now and then for no reason.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Commenting is real bad for the moment - I hope it'll pass. As you say, Blogger seems to be just randomly marking some comments as spam. And they happily send you an email that this comment was written on your blog, but WITHOUT telling that they marked it as spam. But why?
    Worst is that there's one blogger whose comments never spark an e-mail. Thus I do not know that she commented on a post from a few days ago.
    I had a WP account as well as my Blogger one once upon a time, but then I could not comment on Blogger-blogs, and not on WP ones without logging in. My theory is that Blogger and WP has an internal cold war going on. And I messed so much up trying to make a post in WP that I deleted my account in a rage.
    My comment moderation works fine in Blogger. Comments to old blogposts are quaranteened and I'm send an e-mail notification that it happened.
    I too miss the preview option, mostly for links and agree that reCapcha is too much hot air and too less work.
    Chapchas are the worst, and I have done all I can for my readers not to meet them.

    1. Charlotte: Commenting seems to be better but still comments are being marked as spam.

      I also have people who comments and I never received email notifications but that is before this comment/spam mess. I've tried to find the reason for this non-notification of comments but nobody has answers.

      I used to have a Wordpress account too but I find their interfere a bit clunky to use so I no longer had an account.

      WP and Blogger having an internal cold war? Probably true since everyone either likes Wordpress and hates Blogger or hates Wordpress and likes Blogger.

      I do like the preview option for the comment links - it's too bad it's gone.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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- Kurt Vonnegut