"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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November 06, 2021

Some ramblings about motivations

boy with headphones and swirls of colors all around him
chill out

Just some ramblings that may or may not be about motivations. The art above (chill out) is a piece that I have re-done awhile ago and I thought it's time to share it plus it makes me happy to see it. And perhaps people can look at it instead of reading my ramblings.

01 | Is it habit or are we all prone to only talk about things we're interested? I find I now post mostly what interest me: books, art and fiction that I create, and sometimes meandering posts like this. It makes sense that I would post what interest me, right? But sometimes it does seems like I'm blogging about the same things over and over and it does feel a bit repetitive. But my interest rarely widen all that much. I guess I should get some new hobbies?

National November Writing Month
02 | Are you participating in NaNo (National November Writing Month) this month? I think NaNo is great if you need an excuse to write for a month along with other crazy people who thinks writing is something to enjoy with thousands of other people instead of doing it alone. I've not participated in any of the group writing gatherings so I've never truly benefit from doing NaNo. But mostly I'm not participating now because I have zero motivation to write a novel or even finish the twenty I have started.  (Go here if you're interested in National November Writing Month)

Fiction: Trudy Fine's Very Short Journey Through Space
03 | I was going to post the last part to Trudy Fine's Very Short Journey Through Space but then I decided not to post it until later.
I usually don't take too long in writing because I use writing prompts (mainly Words for Wednesday) and they have a schedule though I'm usually late in posting. I sometimes write a bit of the story and then finish it after I get the prompts or just write from scratch after I get the prompts. So often I write these fairy quickly, perhaps two days, so I'm wondering maybe I should spend more time on them because I find myself correcting what I had already posted. People probably don't realize it but I had make some corrections to the Trudy Fine posts because there were mistakes to the story, tiny mistakes but I corrected them. Even if there aren't people reading it, I still would correct it. It's one of my habits, probably a bad habit. I don't like seeing mistakes where they can be easily fixed. Does anyone know what I mean?  (Go here if you want to read the first three parts of Trudy Fine.)
    I like using writing prompts because it motivates me to write and finish a story instead of procrastinating on it. But maybe I should start participating in writing challenges like WEP (link) again. One should hone their craft even if they are never going to publish a book, right? Supposedly participating in writing challenges helps a writer to grow and get better but do they? I'm not really certain but it's still better to allow other people to read your writing than to keep it to yourself.
04 | It's November but it seems like it was January just yesterday. I don't feel I have accomplished anything this year. It's like I've been half-sleeping my way through the months. I can't even tell you a single thing I did that stood out aside from blogging.    
    I blog so that I can sort of say I've been doing something but in fact, having a blog is kind of showing me I haven't been doing much. I would like to have been doing more with my time other than staring at screens and eating meals and trying to remind focus at whatever I was doing but I don't know. Either I'm too lazy to do something or I'm too frustrated with everything to do anything. I'm more motivated to watch youtube videos than finishing any of my hundreds of unfinished projects. I've talked about this before, I lack motivations. I struggled to finish things but maybe I'm afraid to fail. One of the quotes I remember by Erica Jong: I went for years not finishing anything. Because, of course, when you finish something you can be judged. It might be that reason I don't finish things. Or maybe I'm just naturally lazy.

How about you? Do you wait until motivation hits you to do something or do you just start doing without a need for motivation?


  1. I am a lazy person and a lazy blogger. Sadly I think that a lot of my posts are same old, same old.
    Love your art work - which definitely counts as an achievement in my eyes...

    1. Elephant's Child: Well, I guess doing the same thing over and over isn't all that bad. At least, we have the privilege of not blogging.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Replies
    1. Christine: Thank you.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. I like the art. And to your fist point- I find that I definitely blog (and talk about) things that interest me. Which doesn't always match up with what my readers are interested in ha ha (say, like some of my rather obscure comics reviews) but I feel like going with what interests us the most keeps us enthusiastic about our content? Which probably shines through to an extent in our posts.

    I never seem to do NaNo even though I love to write and want to structure it more. I'm way more likely to put something on Wattpad (which I, um, haven't done yet either) than do NaNo and I'm not even sure why. LAziness maybe or lack of motivation? IDEK.

    Great point too about sharing your writing. I definitely think writing is like a muscle and the more we do it the better we get. And if we have a blog and are out there anyway why not share our writing, right?

    I feel that way too sometimes but I would say you've done a lot? Just as a reader of your blog I'd say your stories, redesigning your blog, your thoughtful posts... don't sell your accomplishments short this year!

    1. Greg: I am enthusiastic about what I post, at least, at the moment that I posted it.

      I have done NaNo five or seven times and it's okay. I haven't even thought about Wattpad. Whether it's laziness or lack of motivation that keeps you or me from writing or other things, I guess we'll never know. Perhaps we just need time to dwell on it more.

      Writing all the time is good practice, yes but sharing those writing is also kind of practice because we all hate to have our work criticize even though that's what most make use better writers, at least, I sometimes not post a piece of writing because I kind of fear no one would like it or that they find mistakes that are super easy to see.

      I guess accomplishments depends on a lot of things but I just kind of feel like I don't do much now and then. Thank you for the kind words.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. Isn't that funny how you can be enthusiastic about a piece of writing, then once it's out there it's on to the next thing? I guess that's only natural though. And may just be a me thing. :)

  4. "But sometimes it does seems like I'm blogging about the same things over and over and it does feel a bit repetitive."
    Every blogger has their niche, and there's nothing wrong with it. There's nothing wrong with broadening your horizons either, but it's perfectly fine to blog about one thing or two all the time 🙂.

    "It's November but it seems like it was January just yesterday. I don't feel I have accomplished anything this year."
    Me neither...other than reviewing books, which I still think counts for something.

    1. Roberta: Thank for your kind words. Your smiley face icon reminds me of a dream I had but I can't remember much about it other than someone needed to know how to make the smiley icon and that I was involved somehow. I wish I could remember it.

      Either it seems to take forward to get to the next week or it just seems like I didn't sleep at all and the days just blend together. I'm not sure I want the year to be over so soon. Reviewing books meant something.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Your art is so beautiful. And to answer your question, I have been participating in NaNoWrimo. I feel it helps me feel motivated to finish a draft of a story. I guess giving myself a goal makes me feel motivated.

    Also I get the feeling of not having accomplished anything, sometimes I feel like I don't accomplish anything either.

    1. Quinley: If NaNo helps you to write, then I'm glad.

      I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't feel accomplished.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut