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November 16, 2021

Do authors actions impact your view of their work?

This week's Tell Me Something Tuesday is: Do authors/narrators actions, political beliefs, etc impact your view of their work?

I mostly read the little bio at the end of the book and that's really all I want to know about an author but with social media, it's so easy to know who did what so that it's a bit hard to avoid knowing. And in knowing, some of my favorite books got a little tainted. So, yes, an author's action and beliefs does impact my view of their work a little but mostly, it's a no because I don't bother to know authors. I think I would rather be reading books than trying to waste time and effort trying to judge people and then decide if I want to read their work.
How about you? Do authors/narrators actions, political beliefs, etc impact your view of their work?

[ Tell Me Something Tuesday was originally created by Heidi but is now hosted by Berls, Jen, Karen, Linda and Roberta. ]


  1. Yes they do - when their actions/beliefs are forced down my throat. Like you, I don't go hunting for more about an author, but some of their views are evident in their work. And may be enough to cause me to walk away.

    1. Elephant's Child: I think it's better to judge the book and then the author instead of the other way around, at least, it's more fair, I think. But I do agree that some author's action can't be ignore and you have to forget them and read other people's work instead.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Yeah they do for me. I try to be tolerant ha ha but if an author is to out there for me it will affect my enjoyment. And yes I usually don't want to know too much about a writer- I just want to read the book- but if they have weird beliefs or are politically opposed I may just walk. Depends I suppose. I agree with your last sentence though- the book is my main issue.

    1. Greg: I think if I knew something was really bad about an author, I think I too would not read their book. It really depends on what it is they did.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Good question. I will become curious about an author if there is something special about the book. It might make me wonder how the author came up with the ideas. So I am a bit backwards in thinking of the author.

    1. Christine: Yeah, some books does makes one curious about the author. I guess one can find info about the author easier these days with computers and all.

      Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely day.

  4. Short answer: No.
    Longer: Most of the time I cannot even remember the author of the book, I'm currently reading. Only opinioons expressed in the book, I'm reading, can make me put it down - and they do from time to time.
    Pertainig to female POC and so on authors, I use to say: It's not what's on the outside of the author that counts for me, it's what's inside the book. And this goes both way. I'm so not reading boring (to me) books by a hyped author either.

    1. Charlotte: Yes, the book is important thing. Authors are secondary, that's how we should think. I wouldn't read a book just becaue it was by a popular author.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  5. If I love books I do enjoy knowing a bit about the author, I get curious as to who created this art.
    But often I read a book and do not look up an author. Political views could get in the way.

    1. Tammie Lee: Me too, sometimes beautiful art or beautful writing would make me look up the artist.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  6. They do for me. If I can't respect someone, or I find their actions distasteful, I'm not going to waste my time (or money) reading anything written by them.

    1. Lark: I agreed with you. Some people's action are harder to accept/ignore than others.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  7. You already know what I think...it's not like I usually research creators, but in this time and age, arseholes have a way to reveal themselves (even if they don't do it in they work), so I do my best to stay away from them or I drop them...

    1. Roberta: I agreed with you 100%. If I know something about an author that I can't get pass, I would indeed avoid them and their work.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  8. A certain author did make me really disappointed, and that is putting it lightly

    1. Blodeuedd: A few author did disappointed me as well but I'm trying to ignore them.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.


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