"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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November 26, 2021

Can You Blog Without Obligations?

girl on a bicycle pausing on the streets
winter pause
Maybe you have noticed, I've been posting less which is exactly what I didn't plan to do. I honestly was going to blog more this year but I guess my brain didn't want to. The joy of blogging is having what you posted be read by people, even just three people is still a joy. Maybe I like to have more readers but I think it's hard to have readers come back if you don't post.
    As bloggers, do we owe readers anything? When we don't post, we're not blogging and they're not reading so what does that mean? I do feel a slight obligation to post something at least once a week which wouldn't be a problem except for no reason, I just don't want to. Not to say I force myself to post but to say, it seems to be getting harder to have enthusiasm for something that I can easily ignore if I choose to. I guess, I'm a slow blogger who seesaw between posting a lot and barely posting and maybe that's not a bad thing, I don't think.
    Anyway, I just want to get this little thought out there. What do you think? Do you feel an obligation to post? Do you think posting once a week or even once a month is enough?


  1. I feel obliged to post Sunday Selections and, when I am the host, Words For Wednesday. And yes, they both can feel like a burden. These days I don't often post other than at those times - which makes me feel guilty. I do continue to read blogs though.

    1. Elephant's Child: I don't think you should be feel gulity about not posting. We should do what's easier for us, what keeps us going.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I think that it would feel right to me to blog once a week. I used to do that, but now I manage only two or three times a month. I think that if we blog regularly, more people get into the habit to visit our blogs. Lots of people visit, but not many leave a comment!

    So many of the blogs I used to visit have disappeared. I was really disappointed about that because I loved the regular exchanges with like-minded folk from different countries.

    My blog is a place which has become a kind of journal in images which is really lovely for me to look into when I want to revisit parts of my life that I have shown in pictures or told in a few words. If other people enjoy what I post, it makes me happy. I don't feel an obligation to post, but I do think that posting something regularly is a good idea. A blog does need to be nourished fairly regularly though. If once a week feels like too much, then every two weeks feels good to me!

    1. Sandra: A few times a month sounds good. I'm also kind of just posting a few times a month or less.

      It's a bit disappointing so many people I used to visit no longer blogs. But it's nice that most of us are still blogging.

      You're right, we do need to nourish our blogs regularly, for ourselves and our readers. It's the reason I keep blogging even though sometimes it does feel like a bit of pressure to post.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  3. I blog daily I am a natural journal keeper I guess. It is nice if people let you know if they will be gone for a bit but people do come and go over the years.

    1. Christine: I think it's great that you're posting daily. I couldn't do that as I don't think I have much to say.

      It's a bit that some people stopped posting and I guess it's sadder when they don't tell you they aren't posting but that's how it goes, I guess.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  4. If you partake in recurring challenges, then you have an obligation to post on the set days (even if only a link and an excuse for not partaking), else I do not think you have any obligation as a blogger but ONE: If you stop blogging, please post a goodbye post.
    Blogs just stopping in the middle of everything are so forlorn, lost, ghosty. Of course if you're run over by a truck or some such you can't fulfill this obligation, but the majority of missing bloggers are alive and kicking at FB or Instagram. I feel so sorry for the left alone blogs, an d there's so many bloggers I miss.

    This said, I feel an obligation to post once or even twice a week. And an obligation to comment on other peoples' blogs - also on the blogs of people who does not comment at my place ;)

    1. Charlotte: One of the reasons I join in challenges is so I can have some idea to post when I don't have any.

      I also miss a lot of old favorite bloggers. It's sad that they are on FB and Instagram but I think that's the way it is. People prefer social media over blogs even though I think blogs are social media.

      I think commenting is really the thing I feel bad about slacking on. I really like to leave comments and let people know I read their blogs but sometimes I get real lazy for no reason.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  5. I feel like you should post at the rate that is comfortable to you- blogging seems to me to be so personal I don't think we should push ourselves to post when we're not feeling it. I post a lot because I guess I feel the same way- I like that feeling that someone has read what I've posted, and seeing their thoughts. But also if I'm not feeling it a certain day I'll totally skip. I think we as bloggers/ readers gravitate to certain blogs, and whether that blogger posts daily or weekly or whatever, if we like that blog we'll continue to visit. I'd rather you post irregularly than stop posting. :)

    1. Greg: You're right. We should post at whatever time or schedule we like. And yes, blogging is a personal thing even if you're just posting about stuff that seems unpersonal.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  6. I don't feel an obligation to post; and I don't expect anyone else to post on a schedule just for my benefit. The one thing I do try to do is comment back when someone visits my blog and takes the time to comment. That's the only small obligation I ever feel. After all, blogging should be about having fun, and it should make you feel happy--not be a duty or a chore.

    1. Lark: You are so right. The enjoyment of blogging is talking/commenting on blogs. I know when blogging becomes a chore, then I'll quit.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  7. I tend to try to blog every 9 or 7 days. Partly because I like to have a schedule for blogging, and because I like to have time to think of a blog post. But, I don't feel obligated to blog, I blog because I want to.

    1. Quinley: 9 or 7 days between blogging sounds good. But you seem to be posting at a lot blogs. I have no idea how you do it because I certainly couldn't, I admire you for that.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.

  8. This is an interesting discussion. As a book blogger who requests books from the publishers/authors, I have, of course, an obligation to post my reviews for the books I requested, and to do it in a timely manner (that is, around publication date). But when I purchased the books myself, I should feel free to review them whenever...and when there aren't reviews involved, I shouldn't feel ashamed/guilty if I go for a while without posting...except I kind of do. This doesn't mean that I judge my fellow bloggers if they don't post for a long time, though I miss them, and (if they didn't warn their readers beforehand that they would take a hiatus) I wonder if they're all right.

    Anyhow, posting once a week works for me...but I keep a schedule (my infamous worksheets 😄) because I like to be consistent and to know where I stand when it comes to blogging...

    1. Roberta: It's great that you have a good overall plan of what you're posting and when you're posting. I like to do that too but I can't keep a schedule. I know I can plan but whether if I can do the plan is another thing.

      I read a lot of book blogs and there are always reviews but it hasn't occurred to me that they have to post their reviews at a certain time. But I did think they do have an obligation to post a review. I guess it's a whole other world I have no clue on.

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut