"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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February 04, 2025

Words for Wednesday Prompts - Feb 5, 2025

This February, I am the host for Words for Wednesday. Words for Wednesday is started by Delores a while ago. Now the prompts are hosted by various people on various blogs with Elephant's Child as the coordinator. The aim of Words for Wednesday is to encourage us to write using some or all of the prompts.

This week's prompts are:

1 - abandon
2 - vanish
3 - quaver
4 - unstring
5 - poor

Charlotte (Mother Owl)'s color of February is Glass Elephant Blue. See the color at Charlotte's blog over here.

You may write your piece in the comments or post it on your blog. If posting on your blog, please leave a direct link to the post so we can all visit you. Have fun writing!


  1. The poor musician decided to unstring his violin, abandon his profession, and vanish, never to play another quaver.

    1. Sad and succinct, as always well done.

    2. Seems extreme to go as far as to unstring the violin, wonder what happened for him to do that?

    3. Mike: The extreme of unstring his violin said something terrible must have happened for him to do this. Always, you write such thoughtful little pieces to ponder over.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    4. That is terribly sad, but a good use of the prompts!

    5. Well done Mike - very succinct ... cheers HIlary

  2. La música era su gran pasión y escribía en su pentagrama algunas composiciones musicales esperando alcanzar la fama.
    De pobre no lo sacaba su afición por la música. A punto de abandonar y hacer desaparecer su sueño. Una noche de imsonnio le hizo levantarse de la cama. Cierta melodía le rondaba la cabeza y había que plasmarla en el pentagrama.
    Redondas blancas y negras, corcheas y semircorcheas, fusas y semifusas, con algún silencio entre ellas y en clave de sol.
    Una vez plasmada en la partitura. La comenzó a tocar en su inseparable violín. Estaba seguro que tendría el éxito que necesitaba para saltar a la fama.

    1. Espero que logre su sueño.

    2. I hope he is successful this time.

    3. Ventana de Foto: I had to use google translate so what I read in the translation, it sounded sad but hopeful.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    4. A beautiful story, and wonderful use of the prompt words.

    5. Finally, he made it! Fine story, Antonia.

  3. Replies
    1. Cindi: I just read your piece, looks like something big is going to happen.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. Thank you for hosting. On Wednesday, my story will be over here.

    1. messymimi: I just read your piece. Good use of the prompts.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Thank you for the words. I'll get my mind ticking over and have a story on my blog on Friday. (Australian Friday)

    1. River: Looking forward to reading it.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. Hi Lissa - Mike's is very succinct ... but I'm grateful to you for helping EC out ...

    Poor abandoned glass elephant blue ornament ... just left languishing on the windowsill. The child reached her hand out … wondering if she dared take care of the elephant … her fingers quavered … yet she did very quickly pocket the figurine.

    She was hoping when she got home she could get her parents help her string up her new treasure, away from the filching hands of her brother: she didn't want him unstringing it, dropping it and then breaking it.

    Youngsters love these little pretty objects … I know I still have a few – not glass ones … but one or two African ones.

    I found using the colour really quite difficult ... cheers to one and all - Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: By your words, I see the elephant ornament dangling in the sunshine. That color, glass elephant blue, is a bit of mouthful for a color but you used it well.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. A wonderful story, and I can relate to her fears about her brother!

    3. I do hope she gets to keep it and it stays safe. Nice use of the prompts.

    4. Having done enough damage herself, she has an idea of what little brothers are capable of.
      Good one, Hilary. ;-)

    5. Thanks Lissa, Cindi, Mimi, and Sean - appreciate the comments - cheers Hilary

  7. Alas, we abandon the shores of our homeland to find the poor souls who have been lost to the Vanish, a strange malady. To unstring the riddle we face, we have employed five wise women who quaver convincingly over their portents. But, after we've been at see for three days, we lose more and more of our crew, and even some of the wise women. And now, it is done to three of us. Who will go next? Who will stay? And if I am the only one left, will I be able to sail this ship home? (BTW - I was having a lot of fun with these word prompts.) Happy IWSG Day!

    1. Tyrean Martinson: So these three who are left, will they fight among themselves? This was thoughtful. Happy IWSG day to you too.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. Hi Tyrean - a different take ... interesting as to what happens next ... good to see you with us for Words for Wednesday - cheers Hilary

    3. I loved this story!

    4. You've got a nice mystery to be solved here, maybe you could write more about it.

  8. Quaver and unstring! The poor have to abandon and vanish ... glass Elephant blue.

    1. Hi Sean - succinct ... the mind wanders ... well done - cheers Hilary

    2. Sean Jeating: I can't decide if this is sad or funny. I'm glad you wrote something.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    3. It's meant sarcastically, Lissa.

    4. Sean Jeating: Thanks for the clarification. I think sarcasm is hard to understand sometimes, at least, in written form.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    5. A good use of the prompts ... I, unfortunately, will never be able to write a one sentence story. It is not my lot in life to be known as a woman who kept her mouth shut. ;-/

    6. Nice one sentence story!

  9. Even though I had the prompts early, I seem unable to write on time.

    My take on the prompts is here: Fiction: The soul guardian. It's a three part which I promise will not too long in length.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I loved your story and can't wait to read the next part! Great character development!


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut