"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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October 31, 2023

October 2023 - Brief Review

dog ghost halloween costume
ghost dog

I'm posting early so I can show the above drawing. I'm thinking the dog above the other dog is standing on two legs but how to explain the eyes being so wide apart? Maybe he's an alien dog or two dogs or not a dog at all. Happy Halloween!
    All I did this month is draw, listen to music and did some work, nothing remotely exciting to highlight in great detail. I read a few book beginnings but I didn't finish any of them. I don't seem to have any motivation to read much. I hardly did any writing. It had been a mild October. I consider still being around to do these posts as a good thing even if I have nothing exciting to show or to say.
How is your October? I hope November is good to you.

October 13, 2023

Inktober 2023 - Week 1 & 2

monsters and flowers title
October is the month for Inktober in which artists try to draw with ink so that's what I'm going for this month. But I'm not going to use the prompts. So basically, I'm just drawing. But I'm going with a theme - Monsters and Flowers. I have a love for flowers although most of the time, I have no clue of flower names but I love them. I have a calendar for this year with flower art and one day I just saw a monster there and drew it and then I decided to do more. I used the term monster but it's more like awkward-looking creatures. (I'm using Pigma Micron archival ink pens.  The color in #3 is done by a sharpie which I am unlikely to use again since it had a scent I don't like.) If you like to know more about Inktober, go here.

October 05, 2023

September 2023- A brief review

drawing-books, tv, plant
September was okay. I read two books with search and rescue dogs but I kind of wish I didn't. I don't think I like reading much these days. I started a lot of books but couldn't seen to want to read them. I did some writing, watched some shows that are forgettable, did some work and other other things I can't remember but it wasn't a bad month. Here are the two books I read in September.

Without a Trace (Rock Harbor Series Book 1) by Colleen Coble
01 - Without a Trace (Rock Harbor Series Book 1) by Colleen Coble > link
There are way too many head hopping/perspectives and one or maybe two of them really wasn't even necessary as they provided nothing more to the story. The main female character assumed too much without evidence. A good investigator suspects everyone and everything but I don't even know why she is a main character since she's not much good at solving anything. The mystery mostly solved itself. Another main character is a love interest of the female character but even he seemed like a secondary character. I think with all these perspectives, it makes a reader wonder who the main characters are supposed to be. I only know she's the main, main character because of the synopsis. There were other mysteries and search and rescue situations but they were mostly forgettable. A bit too much talks about god/preaching which I should have expected but I didn't know it was a Christian book which really wouldn't have matter if they didn't send the same message too many times. I didn't much care for any of the main characters nor the other secondary main characters. What I like is mostly the dogs Samson and Charley - they are the best part of the book and yet, they are minor characters. I doubt I would read the other books in the series.

Scent of Fear (Scent Series Book 1) by NJ Litz
02 - Scent of Fear (Scent Series Book 1) by NJ Litz > link
A bland romance, a female lead with the usual tragic past that she can't get over, an annoying male lead who liked to keep his women's heart racing (?), a murder mystery that is so-so and probably there to get the female and male lead together - are these the elements of a good book? I'm going have to say no.
     The writing have plenty of odd-choosing words which was probably chosen to make the writing more interesting or add more character to it? I don't know. I just found the author used words that are the right meaning but somehow seemed to be incorrect or didn't quite sound right to me but it could be me, I don't have a vast vocabulary. There is also an excessive use of metaphors. And everyone doesn't move quickly or run, they 'hustle' which I thought wasn't the right word for the atmosphere but then again, with this writing, it's almost fitting.
      I disliked the male lead so much that I had wished he was the killer - this would actually make sense because his character made me think he would do such a thing since he sounded like a jerk who is a bit too overly confident about women but had no clue when it comes to his daughter. He is frustrated with her and yet, he does nothing but get angry at her and when's not angry at her, he sends her off to be taken care of by others. I think it's odd he should be more patient with criminals but didn't take the time to understand his daughter. For a cop with experience, he didn't think criminals would be smart enough to have a backup escape plans nor going into an operation, he didn't check to see if there are escape routes criminals can get out. And for a cop, I would think he would be more open-minded and hold judgement on a person and not judge them by their relation to another. If we didn't have his perspective, if we only see him through the female lead's eyes, I probably would think he's an okay guy but being in his head, he comes off as a judgmental jerk and a womanizer.
    When the female lead thought the way to the male lead's heart is to capture the serial killer, I thought that's the lamest excuse to catch a killer. She's not doing it to get justice, oh no, not her. I don't believe for a moment these two characters are in love. She might like the guy but he just wanted somebody so he wouldn't be alone.
    The only two things I like about this book is (1) the idea that the female lead can sense emotions through scents. They don't explain her ability too well but I'm sure sensing someone's emotions does not mean she can blindly identify someone. For example, how could she have known the male lead was behind her when all she got is his emotions? If it had been just his scent, then perhaps she could know it was him but we are talking about emotions which she identifies as being all the same even coming from different people but whatever. And (2), the dogs - Jax and the dogs in training. But neither one make me want to read the other book.

How was your September? I hope October is good to you.