"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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August 23, 2023

Seven Things : Some Ramblings

01 - I have changed my post background color into a very light shade of blue. I've found the white to be too white for my eyes to read the text. If you're like me and have to look at the screen almost every single day, I think a less white background makes it easier. I also make bold text in the darker blue instead of the regular blue. Do people think about these things?

02 - Have you ever got a letter from your bank asking if you're still alive? They didn't word it like that but you get that message. I might have freaked out a bit about losing all my savings to the government as they will turn the money over to them if I didn't confirm my living status. I have no idea that if you leave your savings account untouched for two or more years, they would think you're dead. It's natural to think that way. We are constantly spending. And that's life. It has been months and I should have forgotten this letter but I didn't. It's kind of crazy but it made me think of my mortality and it sort of made me depressed for a week, maybe two.

03 - When a book is bad and everyone said is bad, then why does everybody wants to read it? I guess I can understand enjoying books that are bit trashy or even badly written but where is the enjoyment exactly? And why do bad books become so popular that everyone wants to read it? I enjoy writing reviews about bad books but I don't enjoy them as reading material.

04 - I don't like cursing in books, that is, mainly the use of the four letter F word unnecessarily. When a character is angry and they curse and use the F word, it's fine but using it for no other reason is sort of pointless. So yes, using the F word does suggest a strong dislike or strong emotions for something but most of the time, I find, it's totally unnecessary.
    I read or rather I half-read a book where the characters used two curse words, damm and sh*t over and over as if they had never heard of any other curses. Here the absence of the F word is surprising to me especially it's the sort of books that could easily use that word and it would fit in with the characters. So why are some authors so freely use the F word and others don't? I don't understand it. But I'm a prude so...

05 - I've come to think I am no longer good at my job. I keep doubting myself and thinking is this done correctly? I had to go research online to be certain everything is done correctly. (I'm a graphic designer by the way.) There's always a chance for mistakes. I corrected them but it doing so, it made me miserable. I would quit but I don't know. It's tough trying to make a living but I know I have it better than most people but it's hard to erase your own fears and doubts.

06 - Watching romantic comedies depresses me and I guess it's why I prefer watching crime and mysteries (or what I often refer to as crime and miseries). To enjoy a show is to immerse yourself in other people's lives and I guess other people's happy ending, especially of a couple, sort of make my life seem rather dull and meaningless as a single person. But I still somehow enjoy watching these romantic comedies but I don't watch them often.

07 - EBook samples — I used to go to book stores and randomly (well, I do go to the fiction section), and choose a book with a good title or an interesting cover and read a page or two but not the beginning, rather the middle of the book. With ebook samples, you can't do that. Ebook samples only offer the beginning of the book which are usually the copyright notice & such, maybe a dedication or some notes from the author, chapter listing and then a chapter or two and if there is a prologue, that too.
    You can judge to read a book by these beginning samples but I find it's not enough or rather, perhaps something from the middle of the book or quarter way would have been better. But I think they only offer the beginning of the book so that if you like, you can buy the book and continue reading. (I read mostly kindle books.)
    But I suppose a sample of the beginning of the book is better than none. I had encountered one or two books where the sample is mostly just copyright notices, some notes and a list of chapters but nothing of the actual book so you don't even get a sense how it is written. I think chapter listing is kind of useless as a book sample because most books just have chapter 1, chapter 2, etc so it's quite unhelpful.
Anything on your mind? Do share them in the comments.


  1. At least your bank sent that letter. On one of my savings account when I hadn't accessed it for two years they simply made it inaccessible to me. I had to put in considerable effort to get access to my money again.
    I like to read the last few pages of a book before I buy it - yet another reason why I prefer paper books and bookshops to online purchases.
    I like your pale blue background. Thank you.

    1. Elephant's Child: That didn't seem like a nice bank. I always thought banks should have better customer service because without customers, they wouldn't thrive.

      I do like going to bookshops and just picking up a book and open to a section and read them. Even though I don't end up buying the book, it's just a nice experience.

      I was going to go for a grey color but it didn't look as good. Blue is like a magnet to me because I always end up with blue when choosing colors.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I agree with you about romantic comedies, I am not a fan of them either. I guess, I love a murder over a good romance (in fiction).
    And about bad books too I agree with you about, too. Sometimes there's a case of "it's so bad, it's good" when it comes to media (I for example, enjoy watching video reviews people make of bad movies on youtube, but I wouldn't personally choose to watch it myself, it doesn't make me want to watch it). But, I don't know either why bad books become so popular.

    1. Quinley: I guess when something is popular people can't help but be curious and it's why we should talk about good things such as good books rather than focus on books that are just not written well.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. I always fight Blogger with the color of my text. They seem to try to lighten it and I try to make it a darker hue so it's readable. I like your blue background though.

    I've always worried about banks lol. Even when I was younger I was like... what if they just keep my money? Or something bad happens in society and they just... fold and you're out all that money? lol

    I'm kind of the same way on samples. I like to get a sense of a book and a very truncated sample is hard to do that, especially when you only get a few pages or the contents.

    1. Greg: The colors of your blog does depend on your template. Some template are set so that certain text are a certain color.

      Are banks not strange? They hold our money and yet, there is a worry about what would happen if a bank goes wrong. I still don't quite know how banks make money. I can understand interest and investments but anything beyond that I don't know.

      Book samples are a great idea but sadly, not all books live up to their samples.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. Don't be depressed by rom-coms! They are total fairy tale BS and everyone knows it. Real life relationships aren't like that and no one ends up happy ever after. Enjoy rom-coms as fantasies only.

    1. Debra: I do try to enjoy them as fantasies/fairytales but sometimes when you realize how single you are, it sort of brings you down. But I'll try to enjoy rom-coms without thinking too much.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. 01. New colour scheme? Yes, yes, and yes and I love your changes, so much better for my eyes!
    02. Aww. this sounds scary. Won't happen here though. We have a social security number used for everything official, and the bank is automatically noticed about the death of a person, and makes all his r her accounts "untouchable" until everything is settled. This on the other hand can be hard on a living partner, suddenly out of money on top of everything else.
    04. Cursing. I do not like it either. Printed swearwords are more powerful than spoken ones, so less is more.
    05. Fears and doubts, I think are corollary to being your own boss. Tough it out! If you make a real huge mistake, admit it, say Sorry! and fix it for free, people are more apt to forgive than you think (notes from older self to younger self!)
    06. Romantic comedy is one genre I absolutely do not watch. It sounds just like the girls in college. I did not like it then, I still do not.
    07. Samples? Well I once heard that you should read page 20 (in a normal book with no long prologue or suchlike) and if you liked this, there was a great chance you'd like the book. This mostly holds true for me.

    1. Charlotte: 1 - When you stare at the screen as long as I do (which is almost every day), white is just too white.

      2- It certainly freaked me out. We have no such system here as far as I know.

      4- I agreed with you. Print words are more powerful.

      5- I always fix my mistakes but sometimes it makes me kind feel like an idiot.

      6- I don't watch any that are set in collage or school.

      7- Page 20? I sometimes like to read page 27 or 57. I think any page 20 or beyoud would give an idea how a book is written and whether you would like it.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. "I might have freaked out a bit about losing all my savings to the government as they will turn the money over to them if I didn't confirm my living status. I have no idea that if you leave your savings account untouched for two or more years, they would think you're dead."
    Ugh. I get why they would do it, but then again...if you use your monthly salary for your necessities and don't need to take any money from your savings, it's none of their business. I understand how it would make you feel depressed to receive such a letter, though it's almost funny in a way.

    I don't mind cursing on books - mostly I don't even notice it's there, if you know what I mean - unless it's so repetitive that it sounds too deliberate and doesn't seem to add anything to the atmosphere.

    I'm sorry your job is making you feel miserable at times. For what it's worth, though, I love the art you post on your blog, and I think you're very good at what you do. Occasional mistakes happen. Or sometimes it's just that we're feeling unappreciated and burned out (which happened to me a lot when I worked in radio), so our attention wanes a bit. I hope you can find joy in your job again.

    1. Roberta R.: Banks, governments do send notices that sometimes seem silly, maybe funny. When I opened an account with one of the government site, they send me a letter telling me I had opened an account which is weird but probably also to make sure someone else had not opened an account in using name and info. For security reasons, it makes sense and yet, it seems like a waste of paper and ink just to keep up with security.

      Exactly what I mean, some cursing just seems not right or it ruin the atmosphere.

      I think we all feel that way about our job now and then. I think a lot has changed because of the pandemic. It kind of ruined a few things, workwise. I suppose I can retire early. That's something to look forward to.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut