"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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May 13, 2023

Seven Things

01 - Motivation is nowhere — I'm very unmotivated these days. I don't know why but I can't focus on anything. I can't blame it on work even if it's crazy-busy this month but I kind of do. When your energy is spent, it's hard to want to do things even if you love those things.

02 - Not much reading — I'm not doing much reading although I did finish one book this month so far. Every book I started reading is kind of boring. But I did try re-reading my favorites because that's how I usually beat the reading blues. But maybe I don't need to do anything. Maybe I just need to find the right books to read or simply not read for a while.

03 - Watching a lot of old tv shows — I've been watching a lot of old tv crime shows. (Old means ten or more years before this year.) What I find strange is whenever there are female leads, there is always romance or that she gets a boyfriend eventually while if there is a male lead, there is less chance of a romance or even if there is a romance, it doesn't work out. Why are females always coupled up while the male remained single? This can be said as sexist but it's more like we all still think females are meant to be mothers and wives while males keep his freedom. Of course if the female lead is older than forty or fifty, she reminds single. I suppose it's hard to change since it's been that way for hundreds of years but I honestly thought modern television should be more progressive. But then again, this may just be nonsense since I didn't watch every crime show there is but certainly, it's true for the shows I've seen.

04 - Summer is coming very, very near — I'm not ready for summer. It's not just the waking up with a stuffy nose or itchy/watery eyes, I just can't get use to the change in temperature/season no matter how many times I have experienced it. Why do some of us take habitual changes badly? It's not like there is really any difference from the year before. I don't know, I find seasonal changes never easy.

05 - Google is replacing Universal Analytics with Analytics 4 which means absolutely nothing to me — Not that they explain it well but you can read about it here. Of course, it says nothing about Blogger users or really, any type of users. Either you know what the heck they are talking about or you don't. If they want to, they can just do the switch for us and announced it afterward but I guess they want users to figure it out themselves or give up in frustration. I don't know what the hell this Analytics do aside from something to do with statistics. I don't care about stats so I'm not going to bother with this. I only know about this because I got an email about it.

06 - Bye, Bye Book Depository — It's old news but Book Depository has closed and if you go to their website, it will show the announcement. It's not unexpected. Whenever a big company (in this case amazon) buys out a smaller company, either they merge the smaller company into their bigger one or they just close it up.
    I didn't use Book Depository much aside from when I'm giving away books for international readers but I don't do giveaways anymore and I also don't buy as much paper books as I used to. People outside the U.S. will probably be affected more because it's harder for them to get books. But I'm always sad when a bookstore, whether online or in stores, closes up because it means some people somewhere are not getting books.

07 - Slow blogging — I only took a week off blogging but somehow, it feels longer. I'm not going to say I'll post more or post less. I've gotten into the habit of blogging whenever I feel like and I think that's fine. If I get a post up once a week, it's fine, and if not, that's that. I don't want to fret about blogging anymore. Seventeen years of trying to post regularly is enough and it's time to have a more relax schedule or none-schedule although I've been doing this none-schedule thing for a few years now so...
Any thoughts to share today? Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. I agree, just blog when you feel like it! Blogging should never be a chore or a job. It should be fun!

    1. Debra: Blogging has never been a chore for me though at times, I really didn't want to blog.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. I do mourn Book Depository. Sigh.
    And yes, blog when you want to.

    1. Elephant's Child: So sad when book stores, even ones online, closes.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. That Google analytics change is confusing I am going to have to let them do the conversion for me.

    1. Christine: I don't know about that but you do what you like.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. That's exactly true, work can sap our energy even for things we love. Great point too about female leads. I do like watching old shows, but yes you're right why do we have so few shows breaking the old tropes? Maybe with more female writers we'll get more progressive.

    I'm going to check out the Analytics article but I'm almost afraid to read it lol.

    I'm sad about Book Depositry too. I used them a few times mainly to get UK editions and like them lots.

    1. Greg: I guess it's hard to change when something is done all the time.

      It was cheaper to get UK editions from Book Depository than amazon, at least, it my experience.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. I hear you. I am also in a little slump at the moment.
    We also love to watch crime shows (mainly British ones), old and new and I think you are right in many cases. However, there are also some where that is not the case. And, of course, not many crime series have female leads. Have you seen Vera? That is definitely an example for a female lead who is not romantically involved at all. And a great show.

    1. Marianne: You're right, there aren't that many female leads for crime series. I recently saw a pilot for a crime show starting two females and the first thing they talked about was men and then the second thing was one of them was having sex in her office with her ex and while they were standing around a corpse, they were again, talking about men, which irritated me so I didn't even finish watching that.

      Yes, I did watch Vera, it's one my favorite crime series. I think there's no romance there because she was an older character but that's just my thinking.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. I'm not surprised you like Vera. I think I even know about the other series you are talking about, I just can't remember the title (I think it was the name of the two detectives), which shows I didn't care for it much, either.

      Enjoy your weekend.

  6. I've been feeling very unmotivated lately, too! And I can't blame it on the weather because it's actually nice outside. Oh, well. Maybe next week will be better for both of us.

    1. Lark: Does warm weather not make people lazy?

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut