"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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January 31, 2023

Words for Wednesday Prompts - Feb. 1, 2023

Words for Wednesday in scrabble tiles
This February, I'm the host for Words for Wednesday. Words for Wednesday was started by Delores and now is hosted by various people on various blogs. The aim of Words for Wednesday is to encourage us to write using some or all of the prompts. This week's prompts are:
1 - missing
2 - pillow
3 - rattle
4 - flight
5 - beginning
6 - shabby
7 - time

You may write your piece in the comments or post it on your blog. If posting on your blog, please leave a direct link to the post so we can all visit you. Have fun writing!


  1. Have fun hosting! -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

    1. Christine: I will try but I'm afraid I'm not a very good hostess.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Thank you for hosting! I'll work on something and post on my blog as well as leave a link here later when i'm done.

    1. messymini: There's no hurry. Join us when you want to.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. With little time I had rattle about to find my own shabby missing pillow before the beginning of the flight.

    1. Mike: I hope Captain Succinct finds that pillow. The right pillow is soooo important.

    2. Mike: Great use of the prompts. I would like to be brief and use all the words too like you.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    3. Nicely done, short and sweet!

    4. to rattle... I wish blogger comments had an edit feature.

  4. White noise is soothing they said, it will help your insomnia. Dale turned her pillow over to the cooler side and looked at the clock. Its persistent rattle was part of that white noise and it didn’t soothe her at all. Only ten minutes later than the last time she looked – several hours ago. Time is a flexible trickster and she was beginning to get very, very tired of its games.
    Her flight was less than five hours away now. She had to look sharp for the all important interview and feared that instead she would look tired and shabby and that her brain would be missing in action. She lay back down again. Then sat up in a hurry. With her luck she would finally fall asleep and would sleep through her alarm. That couldn’t happen. Decision made. She would get up now, and read through her notes again. Makeup would have to hide the ravages of yet another sleepless night.

    1. I hope she will have all her wits about her for the interview.

    2. Elephant's Child: Sleep is hard when you're anxious about something. Great use of the prompts.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    3. I used to be able to fall asleep then wake right before the time I had to get up to be somewhere, these days, I tend to wake up several times and look at the clock and in the end get up too early so that I am not late.

    4. well done! and something I struggle with at times.

    5. Well written. Insomnia is a beast!

    6. Very well done EC. I loved turning the pillow over to the cool side...

    7. A very realistic story, i've gone ahead and done this, too.

    8. I've had a white noise machine going in the bedroom for as long as I can remember.

  5. Outside all was WHITE. Snow had fallen for three days and it was picture card perfect, from inside, that is. The FLIGHT of birds to the feeders was BEGINNING to be a regular event as these poor creatures struggled to find natural food, now buried in deep snow. Some looked quite SHABBY as lack of food and exposure to the cold weather took its toll. The shutters RATTLED against the walls as the wind blew fiercely, and snow swirled all around. It is a harsh TIME of the year, yet filled with beauty too. I had kept the bird feeders filled; my footprints bore silent testimonial to that, so all was left to fate now. No effort was MISSING on my part. I snuggled down into the PILLOW and sipped on my hot toddy knowing that the forecast was for improved conditions to come. Tomorrow is another day.

    1. David M. Gascoigne: This is beautiful - and I strongly suspect an entirely truthful tale.

    2. David M. Gascoigne: True or not, it's kind to leave food for the birds. Winter can be harsh for animals. You used the prompts nicely and you even include Charlotte's color theme.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    3. David M. Gascoigne; this is lovely although the snow makes me feel cold even just reading about it.

    4. very nice visuals, and I've had winters like that in Wisconsin and the Michigan UP. So far this year, we've not had snow in West Virginia (now watch, I've jinxed us)

    5. Even without snow, the critters down here show signs of being cold and hungry during winter and love the feeders.

      Nice story, excellent use of the prompts.

  6. I had a shabby pillow that had belonged to my son. He died and now he is done. It breaks my heart, but I cant throw it away. Time will tell me what I shall do. I am missing my son but what shall I do? Just toss it away? No. Why because I would be missing it so.

    True My son died from suicide.

    1. How very sad. I am so sorry.

    2. Anonymous: This is heart rending. And true for far too many. My heart aches with and for you.

    3. Anonymous: It's sad but the memories remain.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    4. That is sad, I hope the memories of him help.

    5. So very sorry for your loss.

    6. Please accept my condolences for your loss. As i once heard a therapist say, he died by his own hand but not by his own will.

    7. Never throw it away. It means to much to you. Let someone who doesn't know it's worth to you discard it after your gone.

  7. I don't know how to leave direct links in comments, although I will link you from my post when I put up my story on my blog on Friday. http://river-driftingthroughlife.blogspot.com.au

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. River: I guess I should add, direct link is the link to your post. If you click on your post title, it goes to a new page and that url is the direct link.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    3. River: I don't know why I deleted that first comment, I need to think before clicking on things. Anyway, if you leave your blog link, I think it's okay. I think people can find you.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    4. River - Wait until you've posted and then click on your post title so you get the direct link to your particular WORDS post. http://river-driftingthroughlife.blogspot.com/2023/02/wednesdays-words-on-friday.html

  8. Replies
    1. Cindi: I just read it. You used the prompts perfectly.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  9. Once upon a TIME, at the BEGINNING of WWII, an enemy took FLIGHT. This pilot was on a very secret mission. His orders were to RATTLE the British in London. The year was 1940 and there was doubt that this would ever happen. The small plane at first appeared to be a PILLOW in the sky and did not seem to mean any harm. As it it drew closer the people looked up at the SHABBY, shaky rusty old metal bird then ran as they saw the bomb falling in their direction. The pilot lost control after dropping the bomb. He crashed into a barn. A large crowd ran to capture this villain. He was the first prisoner of war and was listed as MISSING until the war ended.

    1. Just read your story on your blog and left a comment there. Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. It's been a long time since i read about this incident, you described it very well.

  10. Good prompts Lissa. I like having fewer to select from. My story is also on my blog as well as here.

    1. Granny Annie: I also prefer less prompts. It's easier.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  11. I enjoyed the stories that your prompts helped to create. Good job.

    1. C. Lee McKenzie: Thanks. And And thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  12. My take on the prompts is here: Fiction: Seeing is not always believing.

    I'm sort of on time though even having the prompts in advance, I somehow couldn't quite do things on time.

    Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut