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January 17, 2023

Bookish goals I'm sure I'll fail at

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is Bookish Goals for 2023 which I don't do so I going with Bookish goals I'm sure I'll fail at. (If I am to make a bookish goal, it would be to find a book and read it, that's it.) For more Top Ten Tuesday, visit That Artsy Reader Girl here.

01 - Read other people's recommendations
— I ought to stop taking other people book recommendations since I seem to fail that a lot. But then again, reviews are like recommendations also because that's usually what got me interested in a book.

02 - Read a certain amount of books — I no longer count the books I finished reading so I can never tell you how many books I read each year nor will I set a goal to read a certain amount of books. What is the point of counting anyway? I find it's just easier not to count.

03 - Finish every book I read — I now DNF (did not finish) like it's nothing unusual. Before, I loath to not finish a book but now I just don't care. Some books are just not worth finishing.

04 - Join a reading challenge — I guess reading challenges aren't made for me because I find them kind of oddly ineffective. If the goal is to read a single book, I can maybe do it but if it's a long or even a short list of books, I can't do it. I don't have the patience to find books to fit the challenge which at times are oddly very specific. And the time limit is something I can't really do either even if it takes a whole year.

04B - Read a book continuously — When I'm reading, sometimes I have these sudden boredom reading attacks. I guess my patience is not always there even when reading a book I really wanted to read and I don't always know why. Often, I owe that to being moody. Even if I'm reading a book that I'm interested in, if I see one that's more interesting, I would read that one instead.

05 - Read more non-fiction — A non-fiction book had to be really interesting to me before I even thought to read it so I'm unlikely to read one. For some odd reason, I always seems to end up reading depressing non-fiction books, don't know why that is.

06 - Buy less books — I take hours and sometimes weeks deciding on a book before I even thought to read it so buying them should be the same but it's not. For some odd reason, now that I read ebooks, I am more likely to buy books (ebooks that is) than before. Of course, the fact that ebooks are cheaper (and they deliver faster) is one good reason but I rarely buy printed books now. I only buy printed books that I know I'll re-read which is rare so I haven't brought a printed book in a couple of years.

07 - Read more books from the library
— Now that I borrow ebooks from the library, I kind of read what's available to me so I'm actually reading less library books. The more popular a book is, the more likely the waiting list is long although even unpopular titles have a wait list. I just added myself to a waiting list with over 400 people on it so I might get to read that book in a year or a year and a half which can be frustrating but I try to be patient.

08 - Finish book series — I doubt there are people who actually finish reading series any faster than me which is to say, not fast, sort of crawling in baby steps toward the end. Mostly because I keep starting new series because every book is now a series, even books that had no sequels now have them so...

09 - Read translated books — I am prone to reading translated Japanese books but I just find the translation is never done well. For some odd reasons, they kept translating them to be more American with cliches/phrases and specific saying that one is certain is never mistaken for anything but American. Maybe I just haven't read any good translated books but I certainly didn't try hard to find them.

10 - Read out of my comfort zone — Occasionally, I do try but the result usually deters me even more from reading anything particularly new to me. It's not terrible but at the same time, not having a wider range in reading sort of maybe kept me from new experiences. Maybe, maybe not.

Do you make bookish goals?


  1. I wanto to read more non fiction, usually i only read memoirs and biographies and want to try something new

    1. Vero: I hope you get to read some new nonfiction.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Good luck with your goals! There are a ton of non-depressing non-fiction books out there. Let me know if you ever want recommendations (and no pressure if you do not. :) )

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-goals-for-2023/

    1. Lydia Schoch: Sadly, these are my goals, I'm just telling you why I don't do them.

      Thanks for the recommendation offer but I don't think I'm up to reading non-fiction these days.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Replies
    1. Christine: Probably.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  4. 01 - I'm also not very good at reading the books that people recommend to me. Oops!

    02 - At the beginning of the year, I don't set a number of books that I want to read. I just read, and count the total at the end. It's less pressure.

    03 - I think I'm getting better at DNF-ing books that I'm not enjoying...

    04 - Reading challenges are fun, but this year I'm not participating in any of them!

    Great list. It was fun to read your reasons.

    1. Lectrice Vorace: 01 - It's probably for the best.

      02 - That sounds good. There are people setting up numbers of books to read at the beginning of the year and I thought that's not for me.

      03 - I think it's good to dnf books you're not enjoying. Sometimes I do sort of try to read one of those dnf just to see if my decision was justified and it usually is.

      04 - I haven't tried a reading challenge, not that I can remember but I do know I often have no interest.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Good luck. I don't set myself any challenge about the number of books I read but simply note them down. I read a lot of non-fiction (often memoirs and biographies).

    1. Elephant's Child: I did read a few memoirs and thought they were okay but sometimes I think maybe it's better not to know certain things about people especially authors and actors.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  6. Fun idea. Good reasons. I would fail at most of these goals as well ;) I find ... why read books just to please other, or fulfill a set quota. Reading is my break, my free space. I do not want anybody dictating me how to spend those precious moments.
    Some notes:
    1. You have to find someone you agree with - or not - and know it. The best Sci-fi books I ever read, was those a familiy member did not like. I used his recommendations opposite of what he said, always.
    3. It has taken me years to get to where I do not finish a book without feeling bad about it ;)
    4. Reading challenges should be fun. But once bitten, twice shy, I find too many of them to have hidden (or not so hidden) agendas. I loved the idea of picking the perfect book for a prompt,
    5. More non-fiction ... but why? Should I read more how-to's or social science? ...no won't do!
    6. Just NO! Absolutely no. I buy the books, I like. Can you say no to a friend wanting to come along?
    10. Why should I? I read most genres anyway, and the books I do not like, I do not want to read. Reading should be fun, not a chore.

    My bookish goals: Read more books; relax; reading is recreational, not a work.
    Learn not to read as far into the books I do not like before ditching them.

    1. Charlotte: 01 - That sounds like good advice but somehow I never anyone with complete opposite or same taste in books. But sometimes it's good to try to read books that you thought you might not like.

      03 - Same here. It really is a shame not to finish a book and it's especially disappointing for books that I thought I would like. All the same, it's better to stop reading books you don't enjoy.

      04 - I don't know about hidden agendas but I think it's probably best not to join any reading challenges that you don't feel comfortable with.

      05 - Some non-fiction books can be useful to read.

      06 - Same here. If you can afford it, I see no reason to get the book.

      10 - You're right. Reading should be fun but sometimes I think maybe I should try new types of book just for the heck of it.

      Your bookish goals are ones I would do. Read more and ditch books you don't like, yep, just what I want to do.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  7. I enjoy counting the books I read, so I do that religiously. If I fail to make my reading goal in a given year, though, it's no big deal. I just like to challenge myself a little. Same with reading challenges. I enjoy them, but if I don't finish them, I don't stress. It's just for fun.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. Susan: I used to enjoy counting the books I finished but now I don't care. But I do agree that reading goals and reading challenges are meant for fun.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  8. Best of luck to you in these goals.

    1. WendyW: There aren't my goals. I have no reading/bookish goals aside from reading more books.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  9. The main thing is that you have fun while reading and not because you need to achieve a certain amount or fulfill a certain challenge. And I guess you only read when you have fun since you mentioned the spouts in between. We all have them, so don't worry.

    1. Marianne: You're right. Reading should be for fun. This is why I don't make reading goals.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    2. I have participated in a few goals and found they were fun but I don't do any this year, except for the classic challenge where I put 20 books on a list and they pick a number for me and it's only about three times a year. And I just list all the chunky books I read for my chunky "challenge". But I love chunky books, so I never have had the feeling I "have to" read them.

    3. Marianne: Those two goals/challenges you listed sounds easy. I think I rather not participate. I'm not much of a steady reader.

      I rarely read chunky books but if you think of book series as a single volume, it's a chunky book. Actually, I don't might reading a chunky book now and then.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

    4. Oh, I didn't mean to promote them so that you join them, just wanted to show which challenges are easy for me to fulfill since I read those books anyway.
      And the chunky challenge is not really active anymore, so I guess we can do whatever we like. I don't read many book series, so never thought of counting them as chunky books. LOL
      Have a good day, as well, and a wonderful weekend.

  10. Boredom reading attacks! I hear you and have felt the same andcyes I have been guilty of abandoning a book I am enjoying for something more exciting!

    1. Vintage Reading: Is 'andcyes' a misspelling? I'm glad I'm not only one having boredom reading attacks and abandoning books for more exciting ones. Nothing to feel guilty about.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  11. I DNF too sometimes. I mean, who has time? And I kinda miss non fiction too. I want to read more Japanese books but yeah I bet the translations can be an issue

    1. Greg: You're right, who has time to waste on books they are not enjoying? I think it's good to enjoy a non-fiction now and then. It's a shame I don't read Japanese then the translation wouldn't be an issue.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  12. 01 - Read other people's recommendations
    I rarely get recommendations, but yeah, reviews are the same thing, especially if they come from a trusted friend who knows my tastes...

    02 - Read a certain amount of books
    Same - I don't make reading goals. I want the freedom of reading what and when I please...

    03 - Finish every book I read
    Again, same - I even DNF books I get for review from NetGalley or Edelweiss, if I realise they're not my jam. I do leave a short review for them though (honestly, I would even if I hadn't gotten them for review purposes).

    04 - Join a reading challenge
    Again, we're twinsies! 😉 I don't care for challenges (see N°02 above).

    04 - Read a book continuously
    That is something I do - and I only have one book going at a time.

    05 - Read more non-fiction
    I'm not interested...unless it's the lives of an artist I admire (I have Queen/Freddie Mercury and Billy Joel biographies, and that's it. And of course I'd read a David Tennant one if he decided to write it 😊).

    06 - Buy less books
    I can't buy tons of books as it is, especially now that I'm unemployed - but I try to support the authors whose books I was given for review by buying a physical copy (if I liked them, that is).

    07 - Read more books from the library
    I've taken to read books in English, so it's ages since I borrowed a translated or Italian one from the library...
    "I just added myself to a waiting list with over 400 people on it so I might get to read that book in a year or a year and a half"

    08 - Finish book series
    Ha! Right, there are so many series these days. But personally, I'm very picky with my book choices, so I don't have many going on - and they're mostly from favourite authors...

    09 - Read translated books
    That's odd about Japanese books. It makes no sense to americanise them. Anyhow...as I said above, I only read books in English these days...

    10 - Read out of my comfort zone
    I hear you about books out of your comfort zone. Then again, sometimes new experiences are overrated. I want to feel good and have fun when I read...I know what I like and what I don't...so I avoid genres that don't work for me. Not only when I have to actually buy the book...

    1. Roberta R.: 01 - Recommendations are a hit and miss. I often try to read more reviews just to make sure I want to read a book.

      02 - 'Freedom of reading what and when I please' - It's my exact thinking.

      03 - I used to list the books I DNF but I think I might make a list of those books and list my reasons why I stop reading them.

      04 - Supposedly reading challenges helps you out of reading slumps but I don't know.

      04B - (I have two 4's on my list and not realized it but now I added B on this second 4) I suppose I'm like a wandering reader but I do eventually finish the books I'm reading somehow.

      05 - I'm almost the same way because I do seem to read authors and famous people's bio or some type of books written by them that I like though I've not read one that I truly liked.

      06 - Oh yes, budget does keep people from buying books. I almost always buy books on sell unless I think the book is so good that it deserves the full price. Honestly, I always try to wait for a sale.

      07 - That book is particularly popular so that's why the wait list is long. I have checked, it's down to below 150 now.

      08 - I also am a bit picky with my book choices. Often, I check to see if a book is part of series before reading them. I think it's a big commitment if you know a book is 10 or more books long.

      09 - I think it's not just Japanese translated books, probably not languages though I haven't read enough to judge the other languages.

      10 - I'm thinking now it's better to stick to what I'm comfortable with. But I'm a moody reader so who knows, there might be a book I end up reading that I might never thought to read. That's the joy of books - you'll never know which one you will end up enjoying.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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- Kurt Vonnegut