"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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December 26, 2024

Fiction: A devilish holiday

This month's Words for Wednesday prompts are provided by Wisewebwoman and is hosted at Elephant's Child's blog over here. This week's prompts are: wreath, pine, ribbon, stealth, chimney and/or toboggan, wolf, plum pudding, ambience, blizzard.

Fiction: A devilish holiday

The sunny weather gave the morning an optimistic ambience that Teddy loathed. Last night's blizzard didn't bring enough snow but it made some people cranky and he was briefly cheered by this.
    Today, Teddy was going on a holiday. As he sipped his hot cup of peppermint tea, he glanced over at the plum pudding. He had heard many humans favored that particular dessert during the holidays but he wasn't interested and yet, looking at it made him wistful.
    Wrapped in winter gear as he hated the cold, he appeared in front of a city street covered in snow. It didn't matter where he was, no humans should be unscathed during the holidays where loneliness was abundant and greed was even more destructive.
    By the entrance of Felicity Park, a run-down minivan stopped. The doors slid open and five children all bundled up struggled to get out with their toboggans. The driver, a tall, thin woman, got out and counted heads. Teddy thought she was shabby but the small, floral wreath pin on her coat lapel gave her some elegance.
    Happily the five children and woman entered the park. While the woman went inside the park's cafe, the children went to the slopes with their toboggans.
    Teddy followed them into Felicity Park where the front entrance was framed by two pine trees decorated with red and gold ribbons and covered with bits of snow. Just as he entered, he sneered at the standing poster of Santa with his apple cheeks and standing by a chimney with Holiday Cheers To All beneath it. He flicked his fingers and the poster fell to the ground.
    Being stealth wasn't allowed while he was here. One of the rules was he must be visible and Teddy was visible but that didn't mean he had to look like himself.
    A small child was gazing at Teddy. Looking like a hungry wolf with his large, sharp teeth, long scar down the side of his battered cheek and loose hair around his face, he hoped it would scare the child. But the girl merely grinned and waved at him. Teddy scowled. Children are such joy pushers! And noisy too! They shouted at one another while they slid down slopes and sometimes screaming at the top of their lungs for no reason.
    As time went on, more people appeared. A woman broke up with a man by slugging his manhood with her hefty bag, three couples were divorcing over cheating, two men got into a fistfight over a chess game where they both cheated, two elderly women unfriended each other over a boy they had crushes on in high school, a girl smashed a boy's face into a cake that she made when he insulted her baking skill, two older boys got their noses bitten by a dog they were throwing snow at - so many unfortunate, little events and yet, they caused little mirth for Teddy. Being on holiday, he didn't want to use too much of his energy but it takes little effort to provoke humans.
    Toward the afternoon, when it became less sunny, the children took a break from sledding. The same little girl who waved at Teddy took her toboggan and went down the slopes by herself. Within moments, the girl was falling off her toboggan with her ponytails flying. Teddy sent a wave of heat at the girl. She tumbled down the slope and landed softly on the ground. The other children ran toward her. The girl was giggling. Teddy found injured children annoying. It was better to stop them from getting hurt than to hear their sobs and even worst, the parent's blabs.
    Later, Teddy went inside the cafe for a late lunch. He didn't have to eat but he enjoyed the process. As he stood by the counter, gave his order and the lady asked how he was going to pay, Teddy panicked. He scolded himself for forgetting that here, you must pay for things with money. But for all his powers, he couldn't make money appear, paper or otherwise. Beside him, the children's mother offered to buy him lunch. He tried to decline but already, her card was being swiped and she was carrying a tray of food to her children.
    Teddy hated owing people, especially humans. He didn't have to ask why she did it. She was just the type of humans he hated - good, considerate and full of love for humanity. But judging by their worn coats and mended clothes, they were not well off.
    As he sat down at a nearby table, Teddy couldn't help but glance at the family. How he loved to squash their hopes and dreams but he couldn't even think of a single bad thing to happen to them. It wasn't often he lost his hatred toward humans. Was he making an exception because he owed them?
    The children waved to Teddy as they left the cafe. Each was grinning as if they were the happiest humans on earth. Teddy started to wave back but then stopped himself. He trashed his food and placed the tray among the pile and walked out of the cafe and out of the park. He was just a few feet away from the minivan. The woman had trouble getting the engine started. With a wave of his hand, Teddy sent a heated wind toward it. The engine fired up and the van moved on. He listened to the children's muffled cheers fading away before he leaving.
    Much later, when he returned home, Teddy made sure a few dozen people got their comeuppances to balance off those pesky, happy children.


  1. I really like this very different take. And love that the family were even able to soften the devil's heart. Briefly.

    1. Elephant's Child: Even the coldest heart could be touch sometimes, maybe.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. After all, I've overcome my laziness and I don't regret it ;-)
    Thanks for a fine read, Lissa. You gave the corners of my mouth some nice expeditions to my earlobes.

    1. Sean Jeating: Thank you for your words.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. Replies
    1. Christine: Thanks & thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day

  4. "two elderly women unfriended each other over a boy they had crushes on in high school"
    😂 Why, Teddy is good at his job.

    I love how you always write quirky stories, with a supernatural or paranormal angle and unusual characters.

    1. Roberta: You've described my preferred type of stories I like to write perfectly.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  5. Interesting, they drew out his, well, not good, but his not so harsh side.

    1. messymini: Some people can touch others without doing anything.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."
- Kurt Vonnegut