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October 26, 2024

Book Rants - October 2024

I have gotten to like reading contemporary mysteries these days. I really like to read more of Mary Higgins Clark's books but they are not available as ebooks at my library. I also gotten to really like K-9 crime mysteries so I looked for them but strangely, there aren't K-9 mysteries without romances or rather, they are romances with half of it being mysteries. I read some of these and got annoyed by the romances as they are written like romances and it's a shame because the mystery part was really good. I didn't list them below because I'm annoyed by them. But it has been a good reading month. Here are the books I had finished reading in October:

01 - Timber Creek K-9 Mystery series by Margaret Mizushima
What's it about: K-9, handlers, animals, murder, crimes, small town, light romance
So far, I read 8 of the 9 books. I really like the series but I don't love it. It's like reading two types of stories (told in two perspectives) - one is the K-9/crime/mystery side with Deputy Mattie Cobb and her K-9 Robo and the other is the life of a vet extraordinaire, Cole Walker.
    I love Robo and I liked his handler, Mattie, but I really think they didn't have to give her so many tragic history. I like her perspective more than Cole's. Cole's side is a bit boring but he does get involved in the mysteries in later books. Even with one assistant and sometimes his two daughters' help, it seems impossible for him to be working this much. He's like the most hard working vet in the entire country. For a small town, there are sure a lot of animals. I don't think he even sleeps although they do mention him taking a rest here and there. The guy have no time but he squeeze in a romance with Mattie because being busy with his vet work, his daughters, his ex-wife, volunteering for the police, is not enough for this guy. But then again, they also stressed how much work Mattie and everyone in the police station does - these are most hard working folks in the country.
    The mysteries are good and the various descriptions of the landscapes are plenty. The romance with Mattie and Cole is just okay. I don't read this series for the romance so thankfully, there aren't too many romance-like writings. I would recommend this series if you like K-9 dogs and mysteries with bits of romance.

02 - Vanishing Edge (A National Parks Mystery Book 1) by Claire Kells

What's it about: murder, camping, hiking, some investigating, more hiking
Lots of outdoor scenery details as the female lead (Felicity Harland) and male lead (Hux) did a lot of hiking. Harland is so poor physically (she had a broken back that had healed but still not in full physical form) that she kept popping pills. As an FBI agent with experience, she seems to judge rather too easily and quickly. And she walked off a job because she was offended by a male cop who may be a jerk but as a professional, you shouldn't let your feeling rule you. Forget she had any kind of experience because her behaviors clearly speaks rookie. And she brings her dog along with her to work even though he's not a working dog - I don't know why she even have a dog though he was useful once or twice. Her opinion about people who hated dogs: "...any park ranger that hated dogs was probably a sociopath," - is a bit extreme. It's not a nice opinion for a character. I don't hate or like her but when I read this, it unbalanced my opinion which mostly lean on the unlikable side.
    The way Harland's backstory is told (through her memories and thoughts) is a bit much. Frankly, they could have a prologue so that readers aren't bombarded by constant memories of her dead husband. Maybe this should have been a prequel because with all the backstory, the current mystery is minor in comparison and besides that, it's Harland's first case since her injury.
    I really wish the book isn't in Harland's point of view as it is no fun at all to be in her head. Hux is the better, more clear-headed character who did most of the work while Harland seemed to be there maybe to be some decision maker (she is supposed to solve crimes that involves national parks), I don't know, it just seemed like if she wasn't there, Hux would have solve the crime. And the twist at the end about who the murderer was not a twist and the reason for the crime is rather dumb. Harland is mostly unavailable for the final end so we only get a summary which is too bad because that bit (Hux chasing the criminal and catching them) seems to be the only exciting thing in the entire book.

03 - I've got my eyes on you by Mary Higgins Clark

What's it about: murder, witless witness, lots of depressed people
Halfway, I predicted who the murderer might be and I was right. Toward the end, it was a bit predictable but still good. Although it did seem like it took too long to get there.

04 - Two Little Girls in Blue by Mary Higgins Clark

What's it about: kidnapping, murder, twins
The thing with twin talks (which was never speficied) and twins experiencing pain for each other is a bit unbelievable and they keep repeating how no one believes this about a million times, as if to assure the reader, we shouldn't believe it either. This was an okay read.

Have you read any good books lately?


  1. I like mysteries - but can stay away from those with added romance. You have been reading up a storm.

    1. Elephant's Child: I don't mind the romance if they aren't written like them. I suppose most mysteries have romance bits that could not be avoided. I did read a lot. I find I seem to read faster with ebooks.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  2. Replies
    1. Christine: Thanks for reading. Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.

  3. My Mom always enjoyed Mary Higgins Clark books. I'm not reading any mystery books at the moment, but I AM watching the TV program "Crime Scene Kitchen" if that counts, LOL!

    1. Debra: Apparently I seem to be reading books other people's parents are reading. I've been told three times someone's parents are or were enjoying the books (and shows) I've been enjoying. I guess my taste goes back to older books and things older than me.

      Crime Scene Kitchen sounds interesting though I have no interest in cooking and don't know anything about cooking.

      Thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day.


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