"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence." – Doyle
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March 04, 2025

IWSG Mar 2025: Paper or digital?

Insecure Writer’s Support Group
I used to write using a pen and on notebooks and notepads and then typed them into the computer. For some reason, the writing seemed easier and ideas seemed to flow better. But then comes the typing and then I realized how hard it is to actually do the typing. I write in linear form but some ideas come up for farther on in a story so they swim alone and then I have to remember to put them in the proper order. After a while, this process just got tiring so I switched to mostly digital.
    I still write ideas, certain phrases and notes on notepads and then type them into the computer but my handwriting is not so great so sometimes I have to leave behind ideas because I can't decipher them especially when I write them in the middle of the night under some faint light.
    Mostly, I do like writing on a computer and also the spellcheck function is really useful. I'm more likely to delete writing (bad, excessive or unnecessary) on a computer than on paper but on paper, I cross out the text, I can somehow still have those deleted text unlike a computer. Of course there is the whole losing documents or even corrupted documents since all my writings are basically computer files so when my computer doesn't work or when my backup drive doesn't work, I can't access them. I can print them out and keep them as a record but that seems like a waste of paper. I think no matter if you use paper or go digital, it's still pretty much the same but I admit, I'm much more organized when writing digitally.
Do you prefer to write on paper or digitally using your computer or some other devices?

(P.S. The app I use to write is iText Express  (Freeware for Mac, no PC/Windows version) > link - a very simplistic text app that I have been using for years.)
[More about the group over at the Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog here]

February 28, 2025

Book Rants - Feb 2025

Here are the books I had read and some unfinished reads.

~ Books I read ~

01 - Lady of Ashes (#1) by Christine Trent

What's it about: lady undertaker, deaths, funerals, politics, the queen, war
Sadly this is not entirely about a lady undertaker solving murders as that bit was buried at the end of the book. The main character didn't do much investigating and the killer was caught quickly. This part is just another event along with all other events in the main character's life. There isn't a particular storyline that is focused on too long. You can say this book is stuffed with too many things that what was the best parts (the undertaking, the murders, the train crash) are buried with everything else.
    The boring bits are the politics that involved various people and Queen Victoria who seemed like a caricature - I didn't care much for her viewpoint or the various other viewpoints. I haven't decide if I want to continue the series as the second book also involves the royal family which I really don't like reading about and also many viewpoints.

February 27, 2025

Blogging from A-Z Challenge 2025

Blogging from A-Z Challenge 2025
I have done the Blogging from A-Z Challenge every April for almost as long it existed. I think this is a good challenge to sort of challenge a blogger's patience (by posting every day except Sundays for a whole month guided by the alphabets) and their perseverance because so many quit after the letter A. If you didn't plan ahead and wrote all 26 posts, it might seemed daunting to have to write them in a rush to post on time.
    The challenge for me is to keep thinking and writing posts and sometimes a day ahead but most, I write a post the day before I post it. Yes, it would be easier and less stressful to plan ahead but I'm not one to plan anything ahead and even if did write all the posts, I would still end up changing many of them.
    Usually I have no themes so it's random things that I hope entertains readers and maybe some fictions as I can't help but include some but I keep them short. This year, I'm thinking if I do the challenge, I would pick words and talk about whatever comes from those words. But I don't know. It's easier to say to do something than to actually do it. I'm still debating whether to do the challenge or not.
    Anyway, I thought I repost the badges I made for the challenge this year. The theme for these badges is beginning or spring so that's why the little plant and the sun. (I've revised the winner's badge a tiny bit as the word winner wasn't quite balance in the first version.) These are alternatives and not the official badges. You may use these as you like. (Click on them for the large views so you can download.) (More about the challenge here.)
not official badge - version 1
not official badge - version 2
not official badge - winner badge

Do you plan on doing the Blogging From A-Z Challenge this April?